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15 Tropical House Plants: A Guide to Adding Beauty and Health to Your Home

This post is all about tropical house plants.

tropical house plants

Tropical house plants are a great way to bring some natural beauty and a touch of the exotic into your home or office. These lush and vibrant plants not only add aesthetic appeal, but they also have numerous benefits for both mental and physical health.

They have been shown to improve air quality by removing toxins and pollutants, increase humidity, and reduce stress. Studies have also found that incorporating plants into the workplace can improve concentration and productivity, making them a great addition to any work environment.

With a wide variety of tropical plants to choose from, it can be overwhelming to decide which ones will work best in your space. We will cover a range of tropical house plants, from the classic Monstera deliciosa, also known as the "Swiss Cheese Plant," to the unique and colorful Calathea, and many more.

Each of these plants has its own unique characteristics and beauty, making them a great addition to any home or office.

So, whether you're looking to add some greenery to your home, improve the air quality in your office, or simply bring some natural beauty into your life, tropical house plants are a great option. So, let's dive in and discover the world of tropical house plants together!

15 Tropical House Plants

1. Monstera Deliciosa

tropical house plants

Also known as the "Swiss Cheese Plant," this tropical beauty is known for its large, perforated leaves that can grow up to 2 feet wide.

It is a climbing plant, so it is best to provide a support for it to climb on. It prefers bright, indirect light and likes to be kept evenly moist, but not waterlogged.

2. Philodendron

tropical house plants

There are many different species of Philodendron, but all of them are known for their lush, green foliage. Some popular varieties include the Heartleaf Philodendron and the Elephant Ear Philodendron.

These plants thrive in bright, indirect light and prefer to be kept evenly moist. They also do well in a hanging basket, making them a great option for a window or high shelf.

3. Calathea

tropical house plants

With its striking, patterned leaves, Calathea is a great option for adding some visual interest to your space.

It prefers bright, indirect light and likes to be kept consistently moist. Be sure to avoid placing it in direct sunlight, as the leaves can scorch.

4. Ferns

tropical house plants

Ferns are a great option for adding some greenery to a shaded area of your home or office. They prefer bright, indirect light and to be kept consistently moist.

Some popular fern varieties include the Boston Fern and the Maidenhair Fern.

5. Croton

tropical house plants

With its vibrant, colorful leaves, the Croton is a great option for adding some color to your space. It prefers bright, indirect light and likes to be kept consistently moist.

Be sure to avoid placing it in direct sunlight, as the leaves can scorch.

6. Orchids

tropical house plants

Orchids are a great option for adding some elegance to your space. They come in many different varieties and bloom in many different colors.

They prefer bright, indirect light and like to be kept consistently moist.

Be sure to research the specific type of orchid you choose, as they have different care requirements.

7. Alocasia

tropical house plants

Also known as the "Elephant Ear Plant," this tropical beauty is known for its large, glossy leaves that can grow up to 3 feet long. It prefers bright, indirect light and likes to be kept consistently moist.

The Alocasia is known for being slightly tricky to care for, so make sure to do some research before bringing one home.

8. Stromanthe

This tropical plant is known for its colorful leaves that can have hues of pink, red, purple, and cream. It prefers bright, indirect light and likes to be kept consistently moist.

The Stromanthe is a relatively low maintenance plant, making it a great option for those new to tropical plant care.

9. Dracaena

tropical house plants

The Dracaena is a popular tropical plant known for its long, strappy leaves that can grow up to 6 feet tall. It prefers bright, indirect light and likes to be kept consistently moist.

Some popular varieties of the Dracaena include the Corn Plant and the Song of India.

10. Bromeliads

tropical house plants

Bromeliads are a diverse group of tropical plants that come in a wide variety of shapes and colors. They prefer bright, indirect light and like to be kept consistently moist.

Some popular varieties of Bromeliads include the Aechmea and the Guzmania.

11. Anthurium

tropical house plants

Also known as the "Flamingo Flower," this tropical plant is known for its striking, red or pink flowers. It prefers bright, indirect light and likes to be kept consistently moist.

The Anthurium is a relatively low maintenance plant, making it a great option for those new to tropical plant care.

12. Dieffenbachia

tropical house plants

Also known as the "Dumb Cane," this tropical plant is known for its large, glossy leaves that can grow up to 2 feet long.

It prefers bright, indirect light and likes to be kept consistently moist.

The Dieffenbachia is a relatively low maintenance plant, making it a great option for those new to tropical plant care.

13. Cactus

tropical house plants

Cacti are not typically thought of as tropical plants, but there are some tropical varieties that make great houseplants.

Some popular tropical cacti include the Christmas Cactus and the Easter Cactus. They prefer bright, indirect light and like to be kept consistently moist.

14. Chamaedorea

tropical house plants

Also known as the "Parlor Palm," this tropical plant is known for its delicate, feathery fronds that can grow up to 4 feet tall. It prefers bright, indirect light and likes to be kept consistently moist.

The Chamaedorea is a relatively low maintenance plant, making it a great option for those new to tropical plant care.

15. Zamioculcas

tropical house plants

Also known as the "ZZ Plant," this tropical plant is known for its glossy, dark green leaves that can grow up to 2 feet long. It prefers bright, indirect light and likes to be kept consistently moist.

The Zamioculcas is a relatively low maintenance plant, making it a great option for those new to tropical plant care.


Incorporating tropical house plants into your home or office can bring many benefits, not just aesthetic appeal.

These plants can help to purify the air, increase humidity and reduce stress, making the environment healthier for you and your loved ones.

Not only that, but studies have shown that having plants in the workplace can improve concentration and productivity, making them a great addition to any work environment.

With proper care, these plants can thrive for many years, providing not just beauty but also many health benefits. If you're looking to enhance your living or working space, consider adding some tropical house plants to your decor.

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