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How to Plant, Grow, and Harvest Chickpeas

growing chickpeas

Chickpeas, scientifically known as Cicer arietinum, are an annual legume known for their high nutritional value and versatility in culinary applications. Originally from the Mediterranean and Middle East regions, they have spread across the globe and have become a staple in various diets.

Chickpeas come in several types, but the most common are the larger, light-brown Kabuli chickpeas and the smaller, darker Desi chickpeas. The Kabuli variety is often used in salads, hummus, and soups due to its mild flavor and creamy texture. On the other hand, the Desi variety, with its more robust flavor, is preferred in stews and curry dishes.

Besides being a tasty and versatile ingredient, chickpeas also boast numerous health benefits. They are rich in protein, fiber, and several key vitamins and minerals, such as folate, iron, and magnesium. Additionally, they can contribute to improved digestion and help in managing weight and blood sugar levels.

Growing chickpeas in your garden can be a gratifying experience. Not only will you have your own supply of this nutritious legume, but you'll also enjoy watching the beautiful plant grow, which can enhance the overall aesthetics of your garden space.

In the upcoming sections, we'll delve into how you can plant, grow, and harvest chickpeas in your own garden, ensuring that you always have a ready supply of this beneficial legume when you're whipping up your favorite recipes.

Optimal growing conditions for chickpeas - Climate, sunlight, and soil requirements Optimal

To grow healthy and productive chickpea plants, it's important to provide them with their preferred growing conditions. This section will explain the optimal climate, sunlight, and soil requirements for chickpeas.


Chickpeas thrive in Mediterranean climates where winters are mild and summers are hot and dry. They are a cool-season crop and are typically planted in the spring once the danger of frost has passed. Chickpeas can tolerate temperatures down to -6°C (21.2°F) but they do best when the temperature is between 20°C (68°F) and 30°C (86°F).


Like most legumes, chickpeas require full sun to grow properly. Aim to provide at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight per day. Sunlight exposure is vital for photosynthesis and promotes the development of pods and seeds.


Chickpeas prefer well-drained, sandy or loamy soils with a neutral to slightly alkaline pH. The soil should be deep and fertile, rich in organic matter. Chickpeas are quite sensitive to waterlogging, so good soil drainage is essential. A pH between 6.0 and 7.5 is ideal, although chickpeas can tolerate slightly alkaline conditions.

Soil Preparation

Before planting, it's a good idea to amend the soil with compost or aged manure. This not only adds nutrients to the soil but also improves its structure and water-holding capacity.

By providing your chickpeas with their preferred growing conditions, you set the stage for a successful and productive growing season.

Step-by-step Guide to Planting Chickpeas

growing chickpeas

When to Plant – Best time of the year for planting chickpeas

Knowing when to plant your chickpeas can greatly influence their growth and yield. This section will guide you on the best time of the year to plant chickpeas.

Ideal Planting Time

Chickpeas are typically sown in the spring after the last frost when soil temperatures have warmed up to at least 10°C (50°F). In regions with mild winters, they can also be planted in the fall for winter growth and spring harvest.

Considerations for Timing

1. Frost: Chickpeas can handle light frost, but heavy frost, particularly during the flowering and pod-filling stages, can damage the crop. Make sure to plant your chickpeas after the last expected spring frost.

2. Soil Temperature: Chickpeas prefer warm soil for germination. The soil temperature should be at least 10°C (50°F) at the time of planting.

3. Growing Season: Chickpeas need a long growing season of about 100 to 110 days free of frost to mature fully. Make sure to consider this when choosing your planting time.

By understanding the optimal planting time for chickpeas, you can plan for a successful growing season.

Seed Selection – Choosing the right seeds for your garden

Selecting the right seeds for your garden is an important first step in your chickpea-growing journey. This section will guide you on how to make the best choice.

Types of Chickpeas

There are two main types of chickpeas – Desi and Kabuli. The Desi variety has smaller, darker seeds and a rough coat. They are used mainly in India, Ethiopia, Mexico, and Iran. On the other hand, Kabuli chickpeas are larger, have a lighter color, and a smoother coat, making them a popular choice in the Mediterranean, Northern Africa, Afghanistan, Southern Europe, and Chile.

Your choice between the two types depends largely on your culinary preference and the local climate. Kabuli types are more tolerant of cooler, wetter conditions, while Desi types are better adapted to warmer, dryer areas.

Seed Quality

No matter the type of chickpea you choose, make sure you select high-quality seeds. Look for seeds that are:

1. Disease-free: Purchasing certified disease-free seeds can save a lot of trouble down the road by avoiding soil-borne diseases.

2. Fresh: Use seeds that are intended for the current planting season. Older seeds might have lower germination rates.

3. Sourced from reputable suppliers: Buy your seeds from reputable garden centers or online suppliers to ensure they are of good quality.

Choosing the right chickpea variety and quality of seeds sets the foundation for a successful harvest.

Site Preparation – How to prepare the garden bed or pot for planting

growing chickpeas

Proper site preparation is crucial to ensure your chickpeas have the best start. This section will guide you on preparing your garden bed or pot for planting chickpeas.

Garden Bed Preparation

1. Choose a Suitable Site: Chickpeas need a sunny location with well-drained soil. Avoid areas that are prone to waterlogging.

2. Soil Amendment: Before planting, enrich your soil with well-rotted compost or aged manure. This will improve soil fertility and structure, promoting better root development and growth.

3. Tilling: Loosen the soil to a depth of about 12-15 inches using a garden fork or tiller. This encourages root penetration and allows the chickpea plants to establish themselves more efficiently.

Pot Preparation

1. Choose a Suitable Pot: Use a deep pot to accommodate the chickpea's root system. The pot should have ample drainage holes to prevent waterlogging.

2. Use the Right Soil: Fill your pot with a quality potting mix that drains well. You can improve the fertility of your potting mix by adding compost or a slow-release organic fertilizer.

By preparing your site properly, you'll provide the best environment for your chickpeas to thrive.

Planting Process - Detailed Steps on How to Plant Seeds or Seedlings

Planting chickpea seeds correctly is crucial to their growth and eventual yield. This section will guide you through the process, ensuring your chickpeas get off to a great start.

Step-by-Step Planting Process

1. Sow the Seeds: Chickpea seeds should be sown directly into the garden or pot. Plant the seeds 1-2 inches deep and about 6 inches apart. In a pot, you can plant 2-3 seeds per pot, depending on its size.

2. Watering: After sowing, water the soil thoroughly. Continue to keep the soil moist but not waterlogged until the seeds germinate.

3. Germination: Chickpea seeds typically germinate within 7-14 days, depending on the soil temperature. You will see the first sprouts emerging from the soil.

4. Thinning: Once the seedlings have grown a few inches tall, thin them out to about 12 inches apart to give each plant enough space to grow.

Remember, chickpeas are a cool-season crop, so they should be planted in early spring after the last frost or in the fall for a winter crop in mild climates. With proper planting, your chickpeas will be well on their way to providing a healthy and abundant harvest.

Care for Growing Chickpeas

growing chickpeas

Watering – How often and how much to water the plants

Watering is an essential aspect of chickpea care. This section will guide you on how often and how much to water your chickpea plants.

Watering Frequency

Chickpeas are somewhat drought-tolerant and prefer slightly dry conditions over wet. However, they do need regular watering, especially during dry spells. As a general rule, chickpeas should be watered deeply once a week. However, this may vary depending on your climate and soil type. For example, sandy soils drain water more quickly than clay soils and may need watering more often.

Seedling Stage

When the chickpeas are young, they require consistent moisture for steady growth. Be careful not to overwater, as this can lead to root rot and other diseases. The soil should be kept moist but not waterlogged.

Flowering and Pod Formation Stage

Once the chickpea plants start flowering and forming pods, they need more water to support these energy-intensive processes. This is the most critical watering period. Lack of water during this stage can affect pod development and reduce your harvest.

Signs of Under or Overwatering

Look out for signs of water stress in your chickpeas. Wilted leaves can be a sign of both underwatering and overwatering. If the leaves turn yellow or brown and the soil is wet, you may be overwatering. If the soil is dry, your plants may need more water.

Fertilizing – The type of fertilizer needed and how to apply it

Just like watering, fertilizing your chickpea plants at the right time and in the correct manner is crucial for their growth and productivity. This section will guide you on what type of fertilizer is needed for chickpeas and how to apply it.

Fertilizer Requirements for Chickpeas

As legumes, chickpeas have a unique ability to fix nitrogen from the atmosphere, reducing their need for nitrogen-rich fertilizers. However, they can benefit from an application of phosphorus and potassium which are essential for their growth and development.

A balanced organic fertilizer like a 5-5-5 (Nitrogen-Phosphorus-Potassium) can be used. Compost or well-rotted manure can also provide a slow-release source of nutrients throughout the growing season.

Applying Fertilizer

Here's how to apply fertilizer to your chickpea plants:

1. Before Planting: Before sowing your chickpea seeds, amend your garden soil or potting mix with compost or a slow-release organic fertilizer. This will give your plants a nutrient boost right from the start.

2. During the Growing Season: Once the plants have started to flower and set pods, apply a balanced fertilizer according to the package instructions. Be sure not to over-fertilize, as this can lead to lush, leafy growth at the expense of pod production.

Remember, chickpeas are not heavy feeders and excessive fertilizer can do more harm than good. Always water well after applying any fertilizer to prevent root burn and ensure that the nutrients are available to the plants' roots.

Disease and Pest Control – Common diseases and pests that can affect chickpeas, and how to manage them

Like all plants, chickpeas can be affected by various pests and diseases. This section will guide you through the common problems that might affect your chickpea plants and how to manage them.

Common Diseases

1. Fusarium Wilt: This soil-borne fungal disease causes wilting and yellowing of leaves, often followed by plant death. To manage it, rotate crops regularly and avoid overwatering.

2. Ascochyta Blight: This fungal disease causes dark spots on leaves, stems, and pods. It can be managed by using disease-resistant varieties, crop rotation, and removing and disposing of infected plant material.

Common Pests

1. Aphids: These small insects suck the sap from chickpea plants, weakening them and potentially spreading diseases. They can be controlled with insecticidal soap or by attracting beneficial insects, like ladybugs, that feed on aphids.

2. Cutworms: These caterpillars feed on chickpea stems and can kill young plants. Use collars around the base of the plants to protect them and hand-pick and remove cutworms when you see them.

Pest and Disease Management Tips

1. Regular Monitoring: Check your chickpea plants regularly for signs of pests or diseases. Early detection makes management easier and more effective.

2. Healthy Soil: Healthy soil encourages healthy plants that are more capable of resisting pests and diseases. Use compost and organic matter to enrich your soil.

3. Natural Predators: Encourage beneficial insects and birds in your garden that can help control pest populations.

By understanding and managing these potential issues, you'll be well on your way to a successful chickpea harvest.

Harvesting Chickpeas

growing chickpeas

When to Harvest – Identifying signs that the chickpeas is ready for harvesting

The moment of harvest is the exciting culmination of your hard work. This section will help you identify the right time to harvest your chickpeas.

Chickpeas, also known as garbanzo beans, typically take around 100 to 110 days from planting to harvest. Here are the signs that your chickpeas are ready for harvesting:

1. Pods: Chickpea pods are usually ready to harvest when they turn tan or light brown and become dry and brittle. Each pod typically contains one or two peas.

2. Plants: The whole plant changes color from green to yellow or brown and the leaves begin to dry out.

3. Seeds: You can open a few pods to check the seeds inside. Mature chickpeas are hard and have the familiar light cream color.

Remember, chickpeas can be harvested earlier when the pods are still green, and the seeds are tender. At this stage, they can be used much like fresh peas.

However, for the familiar hard, dry chickpeas that are used in many recipes, allow the pods to dry out completely on the plant before harvesting. Timing the harvest just right ensures the highest quality chickpeas for your kitchen.

How to Harvest – Techniques for harvesting chickpeas to prevent damage to the plant and fruit

Once your chickpeas are ready for harvest, you'll want to gather them without damaging the plant or the pods. This section will guide you through the correct techniques for harvesting your chickpeas.

1. Choose the Right Time: Harvest your chickpeas in dry weather, if possible. Moisture can cause the pods to mold or the chickpeas to sprout inside the pods.

2. Harvest the Entire Plant: For dry chickpeas, it's usually easier to pull up the entire plant, especially if the plant and pods are fully dry.

3. Dry Further if Needed: If the plants and pods are not fully dry when you harvest, hang the plants upside down in a dry, well-ventilated location away from direct sunlight to let them dry further.

4. Shell the Chickpeas: Once the pods are dry, you can shell the chickpeas. Simply crack open the pod and remove the chickpeas.

5. Check for Quality: Look for any signs of mold or pests as you're shelling the chickpeas. Discard any that look damaged or diseased.

Remember, if you're harvesting chickpeas while they're still green to use fresh, be gentle when picking the pods to avoid injuring the plant or the fruit.

Post-Harvest Care and Storage – How to store and preserve chickpeas for maximum freshness and longevity

After the rewarding process of harvesting your chickpeas, you'll want to store them properly to ensure they maintain their freshness and nutritional value. This section provides you with tips on how to store and preserve your harvested chickpeas.

Fresh Chickpeas

1. Refrigeration: Place the fresh chickpeas in a plastic bag and store them in the refrigerator. They should last for about a week.

2. Freezing: For longer storage, you can blanch the fresh chickpeas in boiling water for 1-2 minutes, cool them quickly in ice water, then drain and freeze them in airtight bags or containers.

Dried Chickpeas

1. Drying: Make sure the chickpeas are thoroughly dry before storage. Any remaining moisture can lead to mold.

2. Storage: Store the dried chickpeas in an airtight container in a cool, dry, and dark place. They can be stored for up to a year.

3. Usage: Before using dried chickpeas, soak them in water for several hours or overnight, and then cook them thoroughly.

Proper post-harvest care and storage will ensure that you have a supply of chickpeas ready for your favorite recipes long after the growing season is over.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How long does it take for chickpeas to grow?

Chickpeas, also known as garbanzo beans, generally take about 100 to 110 days from planting to reach maturity and be ready for harvest. This can slightly vary depending on the specific variety of chickpea and the growing conditions such as climate, sunlight, and soil health.

Recap and Final Thoughts: Time to Start Planting, Growing, and Harvesting chickpeas

In this comprehensive guide, we've covered every aspect of planting, growing, and harvesting chickpeas. Let's revisit the key takeaways:

1. Optimal Growing Conditions: Chickpeas prefer cool weather, full sun, and well-draining soil with a neutral to slightly alkaline pH.

2. Planting: Sow chickpea seeds directly into the soil in early spring after the last frost.

3. Care: Chickpeas are drought-resistant but need regular watering and occasional fertilizing with a balanced fertilizer.

4. Disease and Pest Control: Regular monitoring, maintaining healthy soil, and encouraging natural predators can help manage common chickpea diseases and pests.

5. Harvesting: Chickpeas are ready for harvest when their pods are tan or light brown and dry. You can either pick the pods or pull up the entire plant.

6. Storage: Store fresh chickpeas in the refrigerator and dried chickpeas in a cool, dry place in an airtight container.

Growing your own chickpeas can be a rewarding experience, providing you with a nutritious and versatile ingredient for your cooking. Not only are they a great source of protein, but they also enrich the soil, making it more fertile for your next crops.

So, why not give it a try? Start planting chickpeas in your garden or even in a pot on your balcony. With patience and care, you'll be rewarded with a bountiful harvest. Plus, there's nothing quite like the satisfaction of cooking with ingredients that you've grown yourself.

Keep this guide handy and happy gardening!

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