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How to Grow and Harvest Cauliflower Microgreens at Home

How To Grow Cauliflower Microgreens

Cauliflower microgreens, the tiny seedlings of the cauliflower plant, are a hidden treasure in the world of indoor gardening.

Not only are they packed with a punch in terms of taste, but they also offer substantial health benefits, giving you all the more reason to incorporate them into your diet.

Cauliflower microgreens are one of the more fascinating varieties of microgreens due to their unique appearance and vibrant flavor.

They feature delicate, white stems topped with bright green leaves, making them a visually appealing addition to any dish.

Their taste is also remarkable - offering a mildly sweet, nutty flavor with a crisp texture that adds a delightful crunch to your meals.

Beyond their aesthetic and gastronomic qualities, cauliflower microgreens are noteworthy for their nutritional profile.

They are rich in vitamins A, C, and K, and loaded with essential minerals such as calcium, iron, and potassium.

Furthermore, they have a high concentration of antioxidants, especially glucosinolates - compounds that have been extensively studied for their cancer-preventive properties.

Growing cauliflower microgreens at home is not only a rewarding endeavor but also a highly practical one.

It allows you to have a constant supply of fresh greens that are free of pesticides and other harmful chemicals often found in commercially grown produce.

In addition, indoor gardening opens up the world of fresh, nutritious food to those who don't have access to a traditional garden - whether due to lack of space or unfavorable weather conditions.

As we delve further into this article, we'll provide step-by-step instructions on how to cultivate cauliflower microgreens at home, address common challenges you might encounter, and offer tips on how to use your homegrown greens in the kitchen.

So whether you're a seasoned gardener or a complete novice, we invite you to join us on this exciting journey into the world of indoor microgreen gardening.

Cauliflower Microgreens

Understanding the Basics of Cauliflower Microgreens

Before we embark on the journey of growing cauliflower microgreens, it is crucial to understand the basics.

Cauliflower microgreens, like all microgreens, are young vegetable greens that are approximately 1–3 inches tall.

They are the intermediary stage between a sprout and a baby green. However, they are not just miniature plants; they possess their own distinct set of characteristics.

Cauliflower microgreens are typically harvested just after the first true leaves have developed, usually around 10-14 days after sowing.

One of the defining features of these microgreens is their intense flavor compared to their mature counterparts, which is a characteristic that makes them a popular choice among gourmet chefs.

Their nutritional content is equally impressive. With higher concentrations of vitamins and antioxidants than their adult counterparts, these tiny greens pack a healthy punch.

Gathering the Necessary Materials

Once you have an understanding of what cauliflower microgreens are, you can gather the necessary materials to start your own indoor garden.

Fortunately, the process doesn't require a lot of space or specialized equipment, and many of the materials you'll need can be found at local gardening stores or online.

Here's a list of what you'll need:

Seeds: The first thing you'll need is cauliflower microgreen seeds. Be sure to purchase high-quality seeds specifically intended for sprouting and growing microgreens.

Growing Medium: You'll also need a growing medium for the seeds. Soil works best for microgreens. An organic potting mix or coco coir, free of chemical additives, is a great choice.

Grow Trays: Shallow trays or containers are ideal for growing microgreens. They can be purchased from a garden supply store or online. Make sure the trays have drainage holes.

Watering Can/Spray Bottle: A watering can or spray bottle is needed to water your microgreens. In the early stages, a spray bottle is particularly useful to ensure that seeds and young seedlings aren't disturbed or washed away.

Light Source: Microgreens need a good source of light to grow. A sunny windowsill can work, but for best results, consider a LED grow light, which provides consistent, optimal light levels.

Knife or Scissors: You'll need a sharp knife or a pair of kitchen scissors to harvest your microgreens when they're ready.

With these materials on hand, you are fully equipped to start growing your own cauliflower microgreens.

In the next section, we will delve into the step-by-step guide to sow your cauliflower microgreen seeds and start your indoor gardening journey.

How To Grow Cauliflower Microgreens

Step 1. Prepare The Grow Tray

The journey to cultivating cauliflower microgreens begins with the preparation of two 10 by 20-inch growing trays.

One tray will be positioned beneath the other, filled with water to hydrate the growing medium from below, ensuring the roots of the microgreens receive adequate moisture.

This setup is instrumental in preventing mold growth and promoting an efficient growing process.

Before adding water, fill the tray without drainage holes with coco coir. Level the surface and moisten it thoroughly using a spray bottle. If a spray bottle is unavailable, gently sprinkle water over the coco coir until it is sufficiently hydrated.

To create drainage holes in the other tray, use a sharp knife to carefully pierce small holes in the bottom of the tray, a simple yet essential step.

Step 2. Add The Seeds

Cauliflower microgreen seeds don't require pre-soaking. Distribute the seeds evenly over the moistened coco coir. Aim for a uniform spread to avoid overcrowding and the issues that come with it, such as poor airflow and uneven growth.

Post-seeding, give the tray another fine misting with your spray bottle. Rather than topping the seeds with soil, place an empty tray over them to create a dark, humid environment conducive to growth.

Keep the setup in a location with a consistent temperature of around 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit for optimal germination.

During the next 4 to 5 days, maintain the tray's moisture levels by misting the seeds approximately 15 times every 10-12 hours.

Step 3. Germination

Over the next few days, regularly check the progress of your cauliflower seeds. When you notice even sprouting and tiny, folded leaves, it's time to remove the cover tray.

Once the roots begin to protrude from the bottom of the tray, transition to bottom watering to prevent soil from splashing onto the seedlings and to hinder mold growth.

Accomplish this by placing the perforated tray in a solid tray and filling the bottom tray with water, allowing the moisture to reach the microgreens' roots.

Step. 4 Uncover And Give Light

After four days of blackout, it's time to introduce your cauliflower microgreens to light.

Provide them with at least 12 hours of light each day for the next 4 to 12 days.

Using a grow light is recommended to prevent leggy growth, a common issue when grown near windows.

Make sure to maintain a balance of moisture, watering your microgreens every morning and evening. Avoid allowing them to dry out, but be cautious not to oversaturate them. Good airflow and low humidity in your growing area will help to stave off potential mold issues.

Troubleshooting Common Cauliflower Microgreens Growing Challenges

In the journey of growing your cauliflower microgreens, you may encounter a few common challenges.

This section provides solutions and preventive measures for some of these issues, making your growing process smoother and more successful.

Mold Issues:

Mold is a common problem when growing microgreens, especially in environments with high humidity and poor air circulation.

It often looks like a white, fuzzy substance on the surface of your growing medium or on the stems of your microgreens.

To prevent mold growth, ensure your growing area has good air circulation. If you notice mold, decrease watering frequency and consider using a fan to improve airflow.

Poor Germination:

If your seeds are not sprouting as expected, it could be due to a number of factors like old seeds, inappropriate temperature, or inadequate moisture.

Ensure you are using fresh, quality seeds and maintaining an optimal temperature of 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit.

Keep the growing medium consistently moist but avoid waterlogging.

Leggy Growth:

If your microgreens are growing tall and thin, they may not be getting enough light. Leggy microgreens are usually weaker and have less flavor.

Make sure your plants are receiving at least 12 hours of light daily. If you're relying on natural light and it's not sufficient, consider supplementing with a grow light.

Yellowish Leaves:

If the leaves of your microgreens are turning yellow, it could be due to a lack of light or overwatering.

Ensure your microgreens are getting sufficient light and regulate your watering schedule to prevent overwatering.

Weak or Falling Over Microgreens:

If your microgreens seem weak or are falling over, this could be due to insufficient light or overcrowding.

Make sure to adequately space your seeds when planting, and as mentioned before, ensure they are getting plenty of light.

Remember, the key to successful microgreen gardening is maintaining optimal growing conditions and paying attention to your plants' needs.

Be patient and diligent, and you'll be rewarded with a bountiful harvest of cauliflower microgreens.

Growing microgreens

How To Harvest Cauliflower Microgreens

The ideal time to harvest cauliflower microgreens is when you observe the emergence of the first true leaves.

These true leaves follow the initial pair of leaves, known as cotyledons, which appear when the plant first sprouts. This typically occurs 8 to 12 days from seeding.

Harvest the shoots with a pair of scissors or a knife, cutting as close to the growing medium as possible.

Congratulations, you've successfully grown your own cauliflower microgreens!

Washing and Drying Cauliflower Microgreens

Once harvested, use a colander to rinse your cauliflower microgreens thoroughly under cold running water.

To dry the microgreens, spread them over paper towels and allow them to air dry. If you're in a hurry, you can hasten the drying process using a fan on a low setting.

Note that freshly harvested and dried microgreens are best consumed immediately.

Storing Cauliflower Microgreens

After enjoying the fruits of your labor, you may be wondering how to properly store the leftover cauliflower microgreens.

The process is quite simple: loosely place the microgreens in a bowl or container and store them in the refrigerator.

Uses for Cauliflower Microgreens

Cauliflower microgreens make a fantastic base for any microgreen salad or can be a crisp, healthy addition to traditional salads.

Their crunchy texture makes them a perfect raw topping for sandwiches or burgers, offering both nutritional value and a fresh burst of flavor.


Having just explored the fascinating world of growing Cauliflower microgreens, you might be wondering, 'What more can I learn and grow in the world of microgreens?'

Our Mastering Microgreens: Grow Nutrient-Dense Greens at Home eBook is just what you need to dive into this green world.

This comprehensive guide is filled with tips to help beginners start and garden enthusiasts to level up their microgreen growing skills.

From understanding different varieties, navigating common growing issues, to innovative ways of incorporating these nutrient-dense greens into your meals, this guide covers it all.

Transform your home into a mini greens farm and explore the joy of growing your own food.

Are you ready to embrace the world of microgreens?

Get the Mastering Microgreens eBook

Growing cauliflower microgreens


Creative and Exciting Recipe Ideas for Incorporating Cauliflower Microgreens into Your Meals

The possibilities for incorporating cauliflower microgreens into your meals are plentiful. Their nutty, mild flavor coupled with a crispy texture makes them a versatile addition to various dishes. Here are some creative recipe ideas to get you started:

Cauliflower Microgreens Salad: Add a handful of fresh cauliflower microgreens to a salad of mixed greens, cherry tomatoes, and cucumbers. Top with your favorite dressing, a sprinkle of feta cheese, and a handful of toasted pine nuts.

Microgreens Pesto: Blend cauliflower microgreens with basil, garlic, Parmesan cheese, pine nuts, and olive oil to make a delicious pesto. It's perfect as a pasta sauce, sandwich spread, or garnish for grilled chicken or fish.

Veggie Wrap: Layer a whole wheat wrap with hummus, avocado slices, cucumber, bell peppers, and a generous helping of cauliflower microgreens. Roll it up for a quick and nutritious lunch.

Smoothie Boost: For a nutritional boost, add a handful of cauliflower microgreens to your morning smoothie. They blend well with bananas, berries, spinach, and almond milk.

Gourmet Pizza Topping: After baking a homemade pizza with your favorite ingredients, scatter a handful of fresh cauliflower microgreens over the top just before serving.

Avocado Toast with a Twist: Top your avocado toast with cauliflower microgreens, a squeeze of lemon, and a dash of crushed red pepper flakes for a spicy kick.

Soup Garnish: Cauliflower microgreens make a colorful and flavorful garnish for soups. Sprinkle them on top of a bowl of creamy cauliflower or potato leek soup just before serving.

Egg Scramble: Stir cauliflower microgreens into an egg or tofu scramble. They add a beautiful color and a boost of nutrients to your breakfast.

These are just a few ideas to inspire you to start incorporating cauliflower microgreens into your meals.

Experiment with different recipes and enjoy the unique flavor and added nutrition these tiny powerhouses bring to your table.

Health Benefits of Cauliflower Microgreens

Cauliflower microgreens are a favorite microgreen because of their health benefits; they’re an excellent source of sulforaphane and many other vitamins and minerals. The List of Health benefits include the following:

1. Supports Normal Function Of All Cells

Cauliflower is a rich source of choline, an essential nutrient that is necessary for the normal function of all cells. As a critical component of the cell membrane, it ensures the structural integrity and signaling functions of the cell. (1)

2. Supports Brain Development

Choline is also critical during fetal development, particularly during the development of the brain, where it can influence neural tube closure and lifelong memory and learning functions. Thus, choline is particularly important for the development of the hippocampus. Which plays an important role in memory and learning. (1)

3. Prevent Cancer

Cauliflower is also rich in sulforaphane, which has been found in multiple studies to suppress cancer development by hindering enzymes that are linked to cancer and tumor growth. (2)

4. Prevent Heart Disease

The benefits of sulforaphane also extend into the prevention of heart disease due to its powerful antioxidant activity and anti-inflammatory properties. (3)

5. Prevent Dementia And Alzheimers

Choline is also involved in the production of neurotransmitters that are necessary for a healthy nervous system. Those who don’t consume enough choline may have a higher risk of neurological disorders like dementia and Alzheimer’s. (4)

Cauliflower Microgreens Nutritional Chart

Cauliflower microgreens are high in Vitamins C, K, E, beta-carotene, and iron.

Other nutrition includes:

​Scientific Name:

​​Brassica Oleracea Botrytis

​​​Minerals per 100g of (FW)


​​Calcium, Ca

​23.54 mg

​​Magnesium, Mg

​16.05 mg

​​Phosphorus, P

​47.08 mg

​Potassium, K

​​319.93 mg

​Sodium, Na

​​32.10 mg

​Iron, Fe

​​0.45 mg

​​Zinc, Zn

​0.29 mg

Copper, Cu

​0.042 mg

​​Manganese, Mn

0.166 mg

​​Vitamins per 100g of (FW)


​​Vitamin B1

​​0.054 mg

​Vitamin B2

​​0.064 mg

​Vitamin B3

​​0.542 mg

​Vitamin B5

​​0.714 mg

​Vitamin B6

0.197 mg

​​Vitamin B9

​​60.99 mcg

​Vitamin C

​51.6 mg

​Vitamin K

​16.6 mcg


​​47.4 mg



​​​Lutein + zeaxanthin

​1.07 mcg

​​Other Nutrients:



​2.1 g


​2.05 g


In this section, we address some common questions about growing cauliflower microgreens:

How long does it take for cauliflower microgreens to grow?

Cauliflower microgreens typically take 8-12 days to grow. They're usually ready to harvest once they reach about 2 inches in height or when the first set of true leaves appear.

How should I store my harvested microgreens?

Harvested cauliflower microgreens should be rinsed and dried thoroughly. Once dry, they can be stored loosely in a container and placed in the refrigerator. Use them within a week for optimal freshness.

Can I reuse my growing medium?

While it's technically possible to reuse the growing medium, it's not generally recommended. The spent medium may contain roots and remnants of the previous crop that can lead to disease or mold. If you do decide to reuse your medium, ensure it's thoroughly cleaned and sterilized.

How often should I water my cauliflower microgreens?

Cauliflower microgreens should be watered lightly once or twice daily. The goal is to keep the growing medium moist but not waterlogged. Overwatering can lead to issues like mold and mildew.

Do I need a special light for growing cauliflower microgreens?

While cauliflower microgreens can grow under standard indoor lighting conditions, using a grow light can help them grow more evenly and prevent legginess.

Final Thoughts on Growing Cauliflower Microgreens

Growing your own cauliflower microgreens at home can be a rewarding endeavor.

Not only are you able to enjoy fresh, nutritious greens year-round, but the process itself can also be therapeutic and fun.

Remember, the key to a successful harvest lies in providing the right conditions for growth and promptly addressing any issues that might arise.

We hope this guide encourages you to start your own indoor microgreen garden and experience the joy of homegrown produce.

If you're interested in learning more about microgreens check out our comprehensive Microgreen eBook.

This step-by-step eBook will teach you everything you need to know about growing microgreens, including which varieties are easiest to grow and how to care for them.

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