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How to Plant, Grow, and Harvest Arugula

growing arugula

Arugula, scientifically known as Eruca vesicaria, is a leafy green plant often used in salads and other culinary applications across a multitude of cultures. Originally hailing from the Mediterranean region, it's now grown and used globally, adding a peppery flavor and a vibrant green touch to our dishes.

Arugula, also known as rocket or rucola, comes in various types, but the most popular are 'wild rocket' and 'salad rocket'. Wild rocket is smaller and has a more intense flavor, while salad rocket is larger with a milder flavor.

Besides being a flavorful addition to meals, arugula also offers an abundance of health benefits. It is rich in vitamins A, C, and K, and it provides a good source of calcium, potassium, and folate. Moreover, it is known for its high antioxidant content, which can support overall health.

Growing arugula in your own garden can be a fulfilling venture. Not only will you have a fresh supply of this nutritious leafy green, but you'll also enjoy its lush, green foliage, which can enhance the beauty of your garden and even serve as a lovely border plant.

In the upcoming sections, we'll explore how you can plant, grow, and harvest arugula in your own garden, ensuring that you're never without this flavorful leafy green when you're whipping up culinary delights in the kitchen.

Optimal growing conditions for arugula - Climate, sunlight, and soil requirements Optimal

Creating the right growing environment is crucial for the successful cultivation of arugula. This section will outline the optimal conditions that encourage the growth of this flavorful leafy green, including climate, sunlight, and soil requirements.


Arugula is a cool-season crop and thrives in moderate climates. It can tolerate a light frost, making it suitable for early spring and fall plantings. During the hot summer months, arugula can bolt, or flower, quickly. This makes the leaves more bitter, so consistent harvesting and possible successive plantings may be needed to ensure a steady supply.


Arugula enjoys full sun but can tolerate partial shade. If you're growing arugula in a warmer climate, providing some afternoon shade can help protect the plant from the intense heat, which can cause bolting.

Soil Requirements

Arugula prefers well-draining soil rich in organic matter. The ideal soil pH for arugula is slightly acidic to neutral, ranging from 6.0 to 7.0. You can improve your soil's fertility and structure by adding compost or well-rotted manure before planting. This will provide the necessary nutrients for the plant and improve water retention in sandy soils or drainage in clay soils.

Step-by-step Guide to Planting Arugula

growing arugula

When to Plant – Best time of the year for planting Arugula

Timing your planting correctly is key to maximizing your arugula harvest. This section will help you determine the best times of the year to plant arugula in your garden.

Early Spring Planting

Arugula is a cool-season crop, so your first opportunity to plant is as soon as the soil can be worked in the early spring. In many areas, this is often a few weeks before the last spring frost. Arugula seeds can germinate in soils as cool as 40 degrees Fahrenheit, and young plants can tolerate a light frost.

Fall Planting

Another optimal time to plant arugula is in the late summer or early fall. Planting arugula about 4-6 weeks before the first expected fall frost allows the crop to mature in cooler weather, which enhances the flavor of the leaves.

Succession Planting

To have a continuous supply of fresh arugula, consider succession planting. Sow a new batch of seeds every 2-3 weeks throughout the planting season. This will ensure that as older plants mature and are harvested, younger ones are ready to take their place.

Remember, while arugula is quite hardy and adaptable, it does best in cooler temperatures. Very hot weather can cause the plant to bolt and the leaves to become more bitter.

Seed Selection – Choosing the right seeds for your garden

Choosing the right seeds is a crucial first step in growing arugula. This section will guide you on how to select the best seeds for your garden to ensure a successful and bountiful harvest.

Types of Arugula

There are several varieties of arugula available, each with its unique characteristics. Here are a few popular ones:

1. 'Rocket' (Salad Rocket): This variety is the most common type of arugula, with a mild, peppery flavor and large, tender leaves. It's an excellent choice for salads.

2. 'Wild Italian' (Wild Rocket): This variety has smaller leaves and a more intense flavor than salad rocket. It's perfect for adding a kick to salads, pizza, or pasta.

3. 'Sylvetta': This wild variety is slow to bolt and has a spicy flavor. It has deeply lobed leaves and is a good choice if you're dealing with hot weather.

4.. 'Wasabi': This variety offers a taste similar to the wasabi root, providing a unique twist for your dishes.

Where to Buy Seeds

Arugula seeds can be purchased from a variety of sources:

1. Local Garden Centers: These often carry a selection of seeds from reputable seed companies. Buying locally also allows you to support local businesses.

2. Online Retailers: Numerous online retailers specialize in seeds and offer a wider range of arugula varieties. Online reviews can help guide your decision.

3. Seed Catalogs: These can provide a wealth of information about different arugula varieties and their growing requirements.

Remember, the best seeds for your garden will depend on your local climate, your taste preferences, and your gardening goals.

Site Preparation – How to prepare the garden bed or pot for planting

growing arugula

Proper site preparation is crucial to ensure a good start for your arugula seeds or seedlings. This section will guide you through the process of preparing your garden bed or pot for planting arugula.

Choosing a Location

Arugula thrives in full sun to partial shade. Choose a location that receives at least 4-6 hours of sunlight each day. If you live in a hotter climate, a spot that gets some afternoon shade can help protect your arugula from intense heat.

Preparing the Soil

Arugula prefers well-draining soil rich in organic matter. Follow these steps to prepare your garden bed:

1. Remove Weeds: Start by removing any weeds from your garden bed. Weeds compete with your arugula for nutrients and water, so it's important to start with a clean bed.

2, Amend the Soil: Add compost or well-rotted manure to enrich your soil with nutrients. If your soil is heavy clay or sandy, adding organic matter can also improve its structure and water-holding capacity.

3. Check pH Level: Arugula prefers slightly acidic to neutral soil, with a pH of 6.0 to 7.0. If your soil is too acidic or alkaline, add lime or sulfur respectively to adjust the pH.

Preparing Pots for Planting

If you're growing arugula in pots, ensure they are at least 6 inches deep and have good drainage. Use a high-quality potting mix, ideally one that's enriched with compost or slow-release fertilizer.

Planting Process - Detailed Steps on How to Plant Seeds or Seedlings

Now that you've selected your seeds and prepared your site, it's time to get planting. This section will guide you through the process of planting arugula, whether you're starting with seeds or seedlings.

Planting Arugula Seeds

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to sow arugula seeds:

1. Prepare the Soil: Ensure the soil is loose and free from large clods. Rake the surface to create a smooth seed bed.

2. Sow the Seeds: Scatter the seeds on the surface of the soil. Try to spread them as evenly as possible.

3. Cover the Seeds: Lightly cover the seeds with about 1/4 inch of soil or compost.

4. Water: Water the area gently but thoroughly. Keep the soil evenly moist until the seeds germinate.

5. Thin Seedlings: Once the seedlings are about an inch tall, thin them to about 6 inches apart to allow room for growth.

Planting Arugula Seedlings

If you're planting seedlings, follow these steps:

1. Dig Holes: Make holes in your prepared soil or pot that are deep enough to cover the roots of the seedlings.

2. Place the Seedlings: Carefully place the arugula seedlings in the holes, making sure not to damage the roots.

3. Cover and Firm: Fill the holes with soil, covering the roots completely. Gently firm the soil around the seedlings.

4. Water: Water the seedlings thoroughly after planting.

Whether you're planting seeds or seedlings, remember to keep the soil consistently moist, especially until your plants are well established.

Care for Growing Arugula

growing arugula

Watering – How often and how much to water the plants

Proper watering is crucial to the health and productivity of your arugula plants. This section will guide you on the frequency and amount of water needed to keep your arugula hydrated and thriving.

Frequency of Watering

Arugula prefers consistently moist soil, but it's important not to overwater. Overwatering can lead to soggy soil and increase the risk of root diseases.

In general, watering your arugula once or twice a week should be sufficient. However, this can vary based on the weather conditions and the type of soil in your garden. Sandy soils drain more quickly than clay soils and may require more frequent watering.

During hotter weather or periods of drought, you may need to water more often to keep the soil moist.

Amount of Water

When watering, aim to wet the soil to a depth of about 6 inches. This encourages the arugula's roots to grow deeper, making the plant more resilient during dry periods.

Watering Tips

Here are a few tips to water your arugula effectively:

1. Water Early in the Day: Watering in the morning reduces water loss due to evaporation and helps the plant prepare for the heat of the day.

2. Avoid Wetting the Leaves: If possible, water at the base of the plant to avoid wetting the leaves, which can lead to the growth of fungal diseases.

3. Check Soil Moisture: Before watering, check the soil moisture by sticking your finger about an inch into the soil. If the soil feels dry at that depth, it's time to water.

By following these watering guidelines, you can ensure that your arugula plants receive the right amount of water and stay healthy and productive.

Fertilizing – The type of fertilizer needed and how to apply it

Providing your arugula plants with the right nutrients can help them grow stronger and more productive. This section will discuss the type of fertilizer that's best for arugula and how to apply it effectively.

Type of Fertilizer

Arugula prefers a rich, well-fertilized soil. An organic fertilizer high in nitrogen is a great choice as it promotes leafy growth, which is what you want with arugula. Compost or well-rotted manure can also provide a slow-release source of nutrients.

If you're using a granular or liquid fertilizer, look for one with a balanced N-P-K ratio, such as 10-10-10 or 14-14-14. N-P-K stands for Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium, which are the primary nutrients needed by plants.

When to Fertilize

It's a good idea to add compost or well-rotted manure to the soil before planting. If you're using a granular or liquid fertilizer, apply it when the arugula plants are about 2-3 weeks old, and then every 4-6 weeks after that.

How to Apply Fertilizer

To apply the fertilizer, follow these steps:

1. Determine the Amount: Check the instructions on your fertilizer package to determine the correct amount to use.

2. Prepare the Fertilizer: If you're using a granular fertilizer, you may need to mix it with water. Liquid fertilizers are typically ready to use.

3. Apply the Fertilizer: Pour or sprinkle the fertilizer around the base of the arugula plants, avoiding the leaves.

4. Water In: After applying the fertilizer, water your arugula to help the nutrients soak into the soil.

Remember, while fertilizing is beneficial, too much can harm your plants. It's always better to under-fertilize than to over-fertilize.

Disease and Pest Control – Common diseases and pests that can affect arugula, and how to manage them

While arugula is generally easy to grow, it can sometimes be affected by diseases and pests. This section will outline some common problems you might encounter and provide tips on how to manage them.

Common Diseases

1. Downy Mildew: This fungal disease can cause yellowing and wilting of leaves. To manage downy mildew, ensure your arugula has good air circulation and avoid wetting the leaves when watering. Fungicides can be used if necessary.

2. Fusarium Wilt: This soil-borne fungus can cause yellowing and wilting of leaves, often on one side of the plant. To manage fusarium wilt, rotate crops regularly and avoid planting arugula in the same spot each year.

Common Pests

1. Flea Beetles: These small beetles can leave tiny holes in the arugula leaves. You can manage flea beetles by using floating row covers to protect your plants, and applying organic or synthetic pesticides if necessary.

2. Aphids: These tiny insects suck the sap from arugula leaves, causing them to curl and turn yellow. You can manage aphids by encouraging beneficial insects like ladybugs, using insecticidal soap, or spraying with a strong stream of water to knock them off the plant.

3. Cabbage Loopers and Caterpillars: These pests eat holes in the leaves. You can handpick them off or use a biological control like Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt).

General Pest and Disease Management Tips

1. Keep your garden clean: Remove plant debris and weeds that can harbor pests and diseases.

2. Use crop rotation: Avoid planting arugula or other brassicas in the same spot year after year to prevent soil-borne diseases.

3. Monitor your plants: Regularly check your plants for signs of pests or diseases so you can take action early.

By proactively managing pests and diseases, you can help ensure a healthy and productive arugula crops

Harvesting Arugula

growing arugula

When to Harvest – Identifying signs that the arugula is ready for harvesting

Knowing when to harvest your arugula can greatly impact its taste and quality. This section will guide you on how to identify signs that your arugula is ready for harvesting.

Ideal Harvesting Time

Arugula grows quickly and can usually be harvested as early as 4 to 6 weeks after planting. The leaves can be picked at any time once they're large enough to use, but they are most tender and have the best flavor when they are young and small.

Signs of Readiness

The ideal size for arugula leaves at harvest is generally between 2 to 3 inches long. However, size is not the only indication of maturity:

1. Leaf Shape: Mature arugula leaves will have developed their characteristic shape, with rounded lobes along their length.

2. Color: The leaves should be a vibrant green color, indicating that they are full of nutrients and flavor.

3. Texture: The leaves should feel firm and crisp to the touch.

Bolting Arugula

If arugula plants are exposed to prolonged periods of heat, they can begin to bolt, or produce flowers. This is a sign that the plant is entering its reproductive stage. Once arugula bolts, the leaves often become more bitter. At this point, it's best to harvest all remaining leaves before the flavor changes too much.

How to Harvest – Techniques for harvesting arugula to prevent damage to the plant and fruit

Proper harvesting techniques are crucial to prevent damage to your arugula plants and to encourage further growth. This section will guide you through the process of harvesting arugula.

Step-by-Step Harvesting Process

1. Choose the Right Tool: While arugula leaves can often be plucked by hand, using a pair of garden scissors or pruners can result in a cleaner cut and less damage to the plant.

2. Cut Outer Leaves: Harvest the outer leaves first, allowing the younger, inner leaves to continue growing. Cut the leaves off near the base of the plant, but be careful not to cut into the central growing point.

3. Harvest Regularly: Regular harvesting encourages the plant to produce new leaves. During the peak growing season, you may be able to harvest your arugula every few days.

4. Wash and Dry Leaves: After harvesting, gently wash the arugula leaves in cool water to remove any soil or pests. Dry the leaves thoroughly before storing to prevent them from becoming slimy.

Timing Your Harvest

To get the best flavor, try to harvest your arugula early in the morning when the leaves are crisp and full of moisture. If you can't harvest in the morning, the next best time is in the cool evening.

Remember, frequent harvesting not only provides you with a regular supply of fresh arugula, but it also encourages the plant to produce more leaves.

Post-Harvest Care and Storage – How to store and preserve arugula for maximum freshness and longevity

Once you've harvested your arugula, proper care and storage are crucial to maintaining its freshness and flavor. This section will guide you on how to store and preserve your harvested arugula.


Start by washing the arugula leaves gently in cool water to remove any soil or pests. Then, pat the leaves dry with a towel or use a salad spinner to remove excess moisture. Make sure the leaves are thoroughly dry before storing, as excess moisture can cause them to become slimy or rot.

Short-Term Storage

For short-term storage, place the arugula leaves in a plastic bag or container with a few paper towels to absorb any extra moisture. Store the arugula in the crisper drawer of your refrigerator, where it should stay fresh for up to a week.

Long-Term Preservation

If you have a large harvest and want to preserve some arugula for later use, you have a couple of options:

1. Freezing: Blanch the arugula leaves in boiling water for a few seconds, then quickly transfer them to ice water to stop the cooking process. Pat the leaves dry, then freeze them in a single layer on a baking sheet before transferring to a freezer bag.

2. Drying: Arugula can be dried in a low oven or dehydrator and then stored in airtight containers. Dried arugula can be used in soups, stews, or as a seasoning.

By following these post-harvest care and storage steps, you can enjoy your homegrown arugula for as long as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How long does arugula take to grow?

Arugula, also known as rocket, is a fast-growing leafy green. From sowing seeds to harvesting, it typically takes around 4 to 6 weeks for arugula to mature and be ready for harvesting. This timeframe can vary slightly based on growing conditions and the specific variety of arugula.

Recap and Final Thoughts: Time to Start Planting, Growing, and Harvesting Arugula

As we wrap up this comprehensive guide on "How to Plant, Grow, and Harvest Arugula", let's take a moment to summarize the main points we've covered:

1. Arugula Overview: We explored what arugula is and its nutritional and culinary significance.

2. Optimal Growing Conditions: We discussed the ideal climate, sunlight, and soil requirements for arugula.

3. When and What to Plant: We learned about the best time to plant arugula and how to choose the right seeds for your garden.

4. Site Preparation: We covered the steps to prepare your garden bed or pot for planting.

5. Process: We delved into the detailed steps on how to plant arugula seeds or seedlings.

6. Care Requirements: We outlined how to properly water and fertilize your arugula plants.

7. Pest and Disease Management: We identified common pests and diseases that can affect arugula and how to manage them.

8. Harvesting: We shared tips on when and how to harvest arugula for optimal freshness and flavor.

9. Post-Harvest Care and Storage: Finally, we learned about the best ways to store and preserve your harvested arugula.

Growing your own arugula can be a fulfilling and rewarding experience. Not only does it offer fresh, flavorful leaves for your kitchen, but it also brings the satisfaction of tending and caring for your plants. Arugula's fast growth and ease of cultivation make it an excellent choice for both novice and experienced gardeners.

So, don't hesitate! Grab those seeds or seedlings, and start your arugula growing journey today. Before you know it, you'll be enjoying the fruits (or rather, leaves) of your labor. Happy gardening!

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