20 Stunning Types of Ficus Plants You Must See

Updated: May 24, 2023

Ficus plants, belonging to the Moraceae family, are among the most versatile and fascinating plants in the world. With over 800 species ranging from small shrubs to towering trees, these popular houseplants are known for their beautiful foliage, air-purifying qualities, and easy-to-care-for nature.

In this article, we will explore 20 incredible types of ficus plants that can add beauty, interest, and a touch of the tropics to any space. So, let's embark on this botanical journey and dive into the wonderful world of ficus plants!

Types of Ficus Plants

1. Ficus benjamina (Weeping Fig)

The Ficus benjamina, also known as the Weeping Fig, is a popular indoor plant due to its graceful, weeping branches and shiny, dark green leaves. This ficus can grow quite large indoors but can be pruned to maintain a desired size. It prefers bright, indirect light and moderate humidity to thrive.

2. Ficus elastica (Rubber Plant)

The Ficus elastica, commonly known as the Rubber Plant, is well-loved for its large, glossy leaves that can be green, burgundy, or variegated. This low-maintenance plant tolerates lower light conditions and makes a striking statement in any room. It can grow quite tall but can be controlled with regular pruning.

3. Ficus lyrata (Fiddle-Leaf Fig)

The Ficus lyrata, or Fiddle-Leaf Fig, is a trendy houseplant known for its large, violin-shaped leaves. This eye-catching plant prefers bright, indirect light and a consistent watering schedule. With proper care, it can grow into a stunning, sculptural tree-like plant, making it a fantastic focal point. You can Buy Ficus lyrata here.

4. Ficus microcarpa (Chinese Banyan)

The Ficus microcarpa, also known as the Chinese Banyan, is a large, fast-growing tree with small, dark green leaves. It is often grown as a bonsai or as an indoor tree. The Chinese Banyan appreciates bright, indirect light and consistent moisture levels. You can Buy The Chinese Banyan here.

5. Ficus pumila (Creeping Fig)

The Ficus pumila, or Creeping Fig, is a vining ficus with small, heart-shaped leaves that cling to walls and other surfaces. It is commonly used as a ground cover, climbing plant, or in hanging baskets. The Creeping Fig prefers bright, indirect light and moderate humidity.

6. Ficus maclellandii (Banana-Leaf Fig)

The Ficus maclellandii, also known as the Banana-Leaf Fig, features long, slender leaves that give the plant a unique, tropical appearance. This ficus variety is adaptable to lower light conditions and makes a great addition to any indoor plant collection.

7. Ficus benghalensis (Indian Banyan)

The Ficus benghalensis, or Indian Banyan, is a massive tree with aerial roots and spreading branches that can cover a vast area. It is often grown as a bonsai or as an indoor tree. The Indian Banyan appreciates bright, indirect light and consistent moisture levels.

8. Ficus deltoides (Mistletoe Fig)

The Ficus deltoides, also known as the Mistletoe Fig, is a small, shrubby ficus with triangular leaves and small, round fruits. This unusual plant is perfect for adding a touch of the exotic to your indoor garden and thrives in bright, indirect light.

9. Ficus aurea (Florida Strangler Fig)

The Ficus aurea, or Florida Strangler Fig, is a large tree with smooth, gray bark and dark green leaves. It is often grown as a container plant and can be trained into an interesting indoor tree or bonsai. The Florida Strangler Fig prefers bright, indirect light and regular watering to maintain its health.

10. Ficus petiolaris (Rock Fig)

The Ficus petiolaris, also known as the Rock Fig, is a unique ficus species native to Mexico. It features thick, succulent leaves and an interesting caudex-like trunk, making it an excellent choice for succulent enthusiasts. The Rock Fig prefers bright light and well-draining soil. You can Buy The Rock Fig here.

11. Ficus obliqua (Small-Leaf Fig)

The Ficus obliqua, or Small-Leaf Fig, is a beautiful tree native to Australia, with small, glossy leaves and a spreading canopy. It can be grown as a houseplant or bonsai and requires bright, indirect light and regular watering.

12. Ficus religiosa (Sacred Fig)

The Ficus religiosa, also known as the Sacred Fig or Bodhi Tree, is an important tree in many religious traditions. It has heart-shaped leaves with long, tapering tips and is often grown as a bonsai or indoor tree. The Sacred Fig prefers bright, indirect light and consistent moisture levels.

13. Ficus carica (Common Fig)

The Ficus carica, or Common Fig, is a deciduous tree known for its delicious, edible fruit. It can be grown as an indoor container plant or outdoors in warm climates. The Common Fig needs full sun to produce fruit and well-draining soil to prevent root rot. You can Buy Ficus carica here.

14. Ficus sycomorus (Sycamore Fig)

The Ficus sycomorus, also known as the Sycamore Fig, is a large tree with a wide-spreading canopy and attractive, lobed leaves. It is often grown as an indoor tree or bonsai and prefers bright, indirect light and consistent moisture levels.

15. Ficus altissima (Council Tree)

The Ficus altissima, or Council Tree, is a large, tropical tree with attractive, large, glossy leaves. It can be grown indoors as a container plant or outdoors in warm climates. The Council Tree appreciates bright, indirect light and regular watering.

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16. Ficus congesta (Cluster Fig)

The Ficus congesta, also known as the Cluster Fig, is a small, evergreen tree with clusters of small, round fruits. It is an interesting addition to any indoor plant collection and prefers bright, indirect light and consistent moisture levels.

17. Ficus salicaria (Willow-Leaf Fig)

The Ficus salicaria, or Willow-Leaf Fig, is a popular choice for bonsai enthusiasts due to its small, narrow leaves and elegant growth habit. It prefers bright, indirect light and regular watering to maintain its health.

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18. Ficus dawei (Dawe's Ficus)

The Ficus dawei, or Dawe's Ficus, is a small to medium-sized tree with dark green, elliptical leaves. It can be grown as an indoor tree or bonsai and requires bright, indirect light and consistent moisture levels.

19. Ficus natalensis (Natal Fig)

The Ficus natalensis, or Natal Fig, is a small, evergreen tree with a spreading canopy and glossy, dark green leaves. It is an excellent choice for an indoor tree or bonsai and prefers bright, indirect light and regular watering.

20. Ficus citrifolia (Short-Leaved Fig)

The Ficus citrifolia, also known as the Short-Leaved Fig, is a small to medium-sized tree with attractive, slightly wavy leaves. It can be grown as an indoor tree or bonsai and requires bright, indirect light and consistent moisture levels.

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We hope you enjoyed exploring the diverse and fascinating world of ficus plants! With so many varieties to choose from, there's a ficus for every taste, space, and skill level. Whether you're a beginner plant parent or an experienced green thumb, these versatile plants offer endless opportunities for enjoyment and learning.

As you add ficus plants to your collection, remember to cater to their specific needs in terms of light, water, and humidity to ensure they thrive. With a little care and attention, these captivating plants will reward you with their lush foliage and distinctive beauty for years to come.

So, go ahead and bring home one (or more) of these remarkable ficus plants, and let their charm transform your indoor or outdoor space into a vibrant, tropical oasis. And who knows? You might just discover a newfound love for these stunning plants and find yourself on the quest to collect even more fascinating ficus varieties.