20 Roses of the Desert: A closer Look at the Different Desert Rose Varieties

Updated: Jun 2, 2023

This post is all about desert rose plants.

Desert roses are a unique and beautiful addition to any garden or landscape. With their striking flowers and bulbous base, these plants are both beautiful and hardy, making them a favorite among gardeners and nature enthusiasts alike.

But did you know that the desert rose family includes a variety of plants, each with their own unique characteristics and needs? From Adenium obesum to Pachypodium Lamerei, each species have its own charm, some are more suited for indoor growing, others for outdoor, and some have a preference for a specific type of soil.

In this article, we will explore the diversity of desert roses and give you a comprehensive list of desert rose names, including information about the characteristics, growing conditions, and appearance of each species. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or just getting started, this guide will help you become a desert rose pro.

What are Desert Roses?

Desert roses, also known as Adenium obesum, are a type of succulent plant that are native to the tropical regions of East Africa.

They are known for their striking flowers and bulbous base, and are popular as ornamental plants in deserts and other arid regions around the world.

However, Desert rose is also common name for other plants like Grafted Desert Rose or Grafted Adenium, which is a hybrid created by grafting the Adenium obesum onto a rootstock of another plant to improve its growth, or to change its flower color.

Additionally, in the same family of Apocynaceae, there are other plant species known as Desert Rose, such as the Pachypodium Lamerei, which is also known as Madagascar Palm, Elephant's foot, or Bottle tree.

Adenium obesum, commonly known as desert rose, is a beautiful and easy-to-grow plant. It is drought-tolerant, can take high temperatures, and can grow in poor soil. It is an evergreen or deciduous shrub that can grow up to 1.5m tall, with a thick, bulbous base that stores water.

The leaves are dark green and glossy, and the flowers are typically pink, red, or white and appear in clusters at the tips of the branches. The blooming time for desert roses is mainly during spring and summer, but some varieties can have blooms at other times of the year.

The Grafted Desert Rose or Grafted Adenium is a hybrid created by grafting the Adenium obesum onto a rootstock of another plant to improve its growth, or to change its flower color. Grafting can be a good way to produce plants that are more vigorous and produce more flowers than ungrafted Adenium obesum plants. It can also be used to produce plants with different colored flowers, such as red, pink, or white flowers.

The Pachypodium Lamerei, also known as Madagascar Palm, Elephant's foot, or Bottle tree, is a species of flowering plant in the Apocynaceae family, which is also known as desert rose.

Pachypodium Lamerei is a slow-growing, drought-tolerant, and very adaptable plant, that will grow well in a variety of conditions. It is a small tree or large shrub that can reach up to 3 m tall, with a thick stem that stores water.

The leaves are glossy, dark green, and a small amount, and the flowers are usually white, sometimes with a pink tinge. The blooming time for Pachypodium Lamerei is mainly during spring and summer.

In conclusion, Desert roses are a type of succulent plant that are native to the tropical regions of East Africa, and they are popular as ornamental plants in deserts and other arid regions around the world.

There are different types of desert roses, each with their unique characteristics and needs, but they all have an elegant look and they are relatively easy to grow. Whether you are growing Adenium obesum, Grafted Desert Rose, or Pachypodium Lamerei, all of these plants will add a touch of beauty and interest to your desert or arid landscape.

20 Desert Rose Plant Names and Their Characteristics

1. Adenium obesum

This is the most common species of desert rose and is known for its striking flowers and bulbous base. It is native to the tropical regions of East Africa and is widely grown in deserts and other arid regions around the world.

2. Grafted Desert Rose

This is a hybrid created by grafting Adenium obesum onto a rootstock of another plant to improve its growth or change its flower color. Grafting can be a good way to produce plants that are more vigorous and produce more flowers than ungrafted Adenium obesum plants.

3. Pachypodium Lamerei

Also known as the Madagascar Palm, Elephant's foot, or Bottle tree, this is a species of flowering plant in the Apocynaceae family that is also known as desert rose. It is a slow-growing, drought-tolerant plant that will grow well in a variety of conditions.

4. Adenium arabicum

This species, also known as the "desert rose," is native to the Arabian Peninsula and parts of East Africa. It is known for its dark red, trumpet-shaped flowers and is a popular ornamental plant.

5. Adenium multiflorum

This species is native to tropical Africa and produces many small flowers. It is known for its compact size, making it a great choice for smaller gardens and indoor growing.

6. Pachypodium namaquanum

also called Namaqua bottle tree, is a succulent plant species in the genus Pachypium, native to southern Namibia, and South Africa. It is known for its unique shape, resembling an elephant foot, and for its delicate white, pink or red flowers during blooming time.

7. Pachypodium rosulatum

also called Madagascar palm, is a succulent plant species in the genus Pachypodium, native to Madagascar. It is a slow-growing and drought-tolerant plant, it can reach up to 3m tall, with a large caudex, small leaves, and a few pink, red or white flowers during the blooming period.

8. Adenium somalense

This species is native to East Africa and is known for its deep red, trumpet-shaped flowers and bulbous base that stores water.

9. Pachypodium brevicaule

This species is native to Madagascar and is known for its small size and compact growth habit, making it a good choice for indoor growing or small gardens. It has attractive silvery-green leaves and yellow or white flowers in spring or early summer.

10. Adenium swazicum

This species is native to southern Africa and is known for its large, bright pink, red or white flowers and a thick, bulbous base that stores water.

11. Pachypodium geayi

This species is native to Madagascar and is known for its tall, slender growth habit and large clusters of white or pink flowers.

12. Adenium crispum

This species is native to East Africa and is known for its delicate, pink, or white flowers and bulbous base that stores water.

13. Pachypodium decaryi

This species is native to Madagascar and is known for its small, compact growth habit and clusters of white or pink flowers. It has a bulbous base that stores water.

14. Adenium boehmianum

This species is native to East Africa and is known for its large, bright pink or red flowers and bulbous base that stores water.

15. Pachypodium rutenbergianum

This species is native to Madagascar and is known for its tall, slender growth habit and clusters of white or yellow flowers.

16. Adenium oleifolium

This species is native to southern Africa and is known for its large, pink, or red flowers and bulbous base that stores water.

17. Pachypodium saundersii

This species is native to Madagascar and is known for its small size and compact growth habit, making it a good choice for indoor growing or small gardens. It has attractive silver-green leaves and white or pink flowers during the blooming period.

18. Adenium parviflorum

This species is native to tropical Africa and is known for its small, pink, or white flowers and bulbous base that stores water.

19. Pachypodium densiflorum

This species is native to Madagascar and is known for its tall, slender growth habit and clusters of white or pink flowers.

20. Adenium hockii

This species is native to tropical Africa and is known for its large, bright pink or red flowers and bulbous base that stores water.

How To Grow and Care For Desert Roses

Step 1: Choose the Right Location

When choosing a location for your desert roses, it's important to select a spot that receives full sun.

These plants need plenty of sunlight to thrive and grow strong. It's also important to make sure that the soil is well-draining, as desert roses don't like to be in waterlogged soil.

If you're unsure about your soil, you can conduct a simple drainage test by digging a hole, filling it with water, and observing how long it takes to drain.

If it takes longer than four hours, you may need to amend the soil with sand or gravel to improve drainage. Additionally, desert roses can handle high temperatures, they could be planted in rock gardens or used as a border plant.

Step 2: Watering

Desert roses are drought-tolerant plants, and they don't require a lot of water to thrive. However, they do need to be watered deeply about once a week to ensure that the roots are getting enough water.

It's important to note that while desert roses can tolerate dry spells, they should never be allowed to dry out completely. Also, make sure that the soil is dry before watering the plant to avoid waterlogged soil.

Overwatering can cause the plant to rot. Use a soil moisture gauge to know when the plant needs water or check the soil by sticking your finger in the soil, if it feels dry an inch below the surface it's time to water.

Step 3: Fertilizing

Regular fertilization is essential for desert roses to grow healthy and produce beautiful flowers.

Use a cactus or succulent fertilizer, which will provide the plant with the essential nutrients it needs to grow.

Fertilize your desert roses every four to six weeks during the growing season. You can use a slow-release fertilizer or a liquid fertilizer. The important thing is to follow the label instructions and not to over-fertilize, which can damage the plant.

Step 4: Pruning

Pruning is important for keeping your desert roses looking neat and tidy and also to promote bushier growth.

Prune the plant in late winter or early spring, removing any dead or damaged wood, and cutting back any long branches. By pruning, you will promote new growth, bushier plants, and more flowers. Pruning also helps to prevent pests and diseases.

Step 5: Pest Control

Desert roses can be susceptible to pests such as mealybugs and spider mites, so it's important to keep an eye out for any infestations.

Regularly check the plants for signs of pests and treat any infestations promptly. A mixture of neem oil and water can be an effective solution for controlling pests. Regular checking, early detection, and immediate action can prevent pests from causing major damage to your plants.


Desert roses are a unique and beautiful addition to any garden, and with proper care and attention, they can thrive and produce stunning flowers year after year.

By following these simple steps, you will be well on your way to becoming a desert rose pro. Remember to choose the right location, water deeply but infrequently, fertilize regularly, prune to promote bushier growth, and keep an eye out for pests. With a little bit of love and attention, you will be able to grow and enjoy these fascinating plants in your own backyard.