How to Easily Grow Red Cabbage Microgreens at Home

Updated: Sep 23, 2023

Red cabbage microgreens, renowned for their vibrant color and nutrient-dense composition, are becoming a popular choice for gardeners looking to grow their own food at home.

This section will delve into the intriguing world of red cabbage microgreens, highlighting their unique qualities that distinguish them from their green counterparts and other microgreen varieties.

Red cabbage microgreens stand out for their robust nutritional profile. These tiny powerhouses are loaded with vitamins K, C, and E, alongside crucial minerals like potassium, calcium, and iron.

Remarkably, red cabbage microgreens are packed with up to forty times more nutrients than their mature counterparts, making them a superfood in the truest sense.

Their striking purple-red color makes red cabbage microgreens not only a healthy but also an attractive addition to various dishes.

The color is indicative of anthocyanins, powerful antioxidants known to support heart health and possess anti-inflammatory properties.

These microgreens have a mild, peppery flavor that adds a delightful crunch and a flavorful punch to salads, sandwiches, and wraps.

The subtle sweetness also works well when blended into smoothies, offering a nutrition boost and a splash of color.

Red cabbage microgreens are resilient and adaptable, making them an excellent choice for beginners. They flourish in both soil and hydroponic systems and prefer a cooler environment, although they can tolerate a wide range of conditions.

In just 8-12 days, you can have a lush tray of these beautiful, nutrient-rich microgreens ready to harvest and enjoy.

With their unique combination of visual appeal, nutritional potency, and flavor, red cabbage microgreens make an exciting addition to your indoor garden.

Let's explore the steps you need to take to cultivate these vibrant greens in the comfort of your home.

How To Grow Red Cabbage Microgreens

Growing red cabbage microgreens at home requires a few essential materials. Gathering these items ahead of time will streamline the growing process and maximize your success.

Seeds: Choose high-quality red cabbage microgreen seeds from a reputable supplier. These seeds are often available in organic and non-GMO varieties.

Growing Medium: Red cabbage microgreens can be grown in either soil-based, coco coir, or soilless (hydroponic) mediums. Each has its benefits, so choose according to your preference.

Growing Trays: You'll need shallow, flat trays with good drainage to plant your microgreens. Trays with no holes are used beneath the growing trays to catch any draining water.

Spray Bottle: A spray bottle is crucial for maintaining a moist environment during the germination stage and for gentle watering as your microgreens grow.

Grow Lights (Optional): If you don't have a location with plenty of indirect sunlight, you may want to consider getting a grow light to provide your microgreens with the light they need to thrive.

Cover (Optional): A cover helps maintain a dark and humid environment that promotes germination. This could be an additional tray or a piece of cloth.

Scissors or Sharp Knife: A sharp pair of scissors or a knife is needed for harvesting your microgreens without damaging the roots or remaining growth.

Now that we have an understanding of the growth process of red cabbage microgreens and have gathered the necessary materials, let's delve into the step-by-step process of planting, growing, and harvesting these vibrant, nutrient-packed greens at home.

Step 1. Prepare The Grow Tray

Obtain a growing tray with drainage holes and fill it with your chosen growing medium. Level out the surface and moisten it thoroughly using a spray bottle.

If your tray lacks drainage holes, you can create them yourself by carefully making small perforations with a sharp knife.

Step 2. Add The Seeds

Red cabbage seeds are notably small, so exercise caution to avoid over-planting. Pre-soaking these seeds is not necessary.

Simply scatter them evenly over the moistened growing medium using your hands.

Step 3. Water And Cover

After sowing the seeds, moisten the growing medium once more using your spray bottle. Do not cover the seeds with soil.

Instead, place another container on top to blackout the seeds and add some weight on top for 3 days.

This technique helps the roots to penetrate deeply into the soil, encouraging the microgreens to grow straight and tall.

It's essential to continue misting the microgreens every other day.

Step 4. Uncover And Blackout For 24hrs

After three days, remove the top container. By this time, the cabbage seeds should have sprouted. The shoots may appear yellow due to a lack of sunlight, but this is a normal part of their development.

Instead of replacing the top container, blackout the sprouts for an additional 24 hours in a dark room. This step will encourage them to stretch, making them easier to harvest later.

Step. 5 Give Light And Check Daily

Following the 24-hour blackout period, provide your red cabbage microgreens with at least 12 hours of light each day.

Using a grow light is recommended, as positioning them by a window may result in the greens becoming leggy.

Additionally, to prevent soil splash and potential mold growth, introduce bottom watering at this stage.

Simply place a non-drilled tray beneath the growing tray and fill it with water, allowing the roots of the microgreens to draw up the moisture they need.

Troubleshooting Common Red Cabbage Microgreens Growing Challenges

Even though growing microgreens can be a straightforward process, certain issues can sometimes arise, particularly with red cabbage microgreens.

Here are a few common challenges you might encounter and their potential solutions:

Poor Germination: If your red cabbage microgreens are not sprouting as expected, this could be due to a variety of factors, including old seeds, incorrect temperature, or insufficient moisture. Ensure you're using fresh seeds, maintaining an optimal temperature range of 65-75 degrees Fahrenheit, and keeping the growing medium consistently moist.

Mold Growth: Mold is a common problem when growing microgreens, often resulting from excessive moisture and poor ventilation. To avoid this, ensure your trays are well-drained and not overwatered. Additionally, improving air circulation in your growing area can help prevent mold development.

Leggy Growth: If your red cabbage microgreens are growing tall and spindly, this is likely due to insufficient light. Make sure your microgreens are receiving at least 12 hours of bright light per day. A grow light can be especially helpful in achieving this.

Yellowing Leaves: Yellow leaves are often a result of lack of sunlight during the initial stages of growth. This is normal and nothing to be alarmed about. Once exposed to light, the leaves will begin to develop their rich, red color.

Uneven Growth: If your microgreens are growing unevenly, it could be due to inconsistent watering or uneven distribution of seeds. Make sure to spread your seeds evenly during planting and maintain consistent moisture throughout the growth process.

Remember, the key to successful growth lies in monitoring your plants regularly and adjusting your care routine as necessary. With patience and careful attention, you'll be well-equipped to overcome any challenge that comes your way.

How To Harvest Red Cabbage Microgreens

When your microgreens have grown to approximately three to four inches in height, they're typically ready for harvesting.

It's essential not to delay the harvesting process, as overgrown microgreens can develop a bitter taste.

Consider taste testing your greens prior to harvesting to ensure optimal flavor. To harvest, use a pair of scissors or a knife and cut the shoots about two to three inches from the top.

Congratulations, you've successfully grown your own red cabbage microgreens!

Washing and Drying Red Cabbage Microgreens

To ensure your freshly harvested red cabbage microgreens are clean, rinse them thoroughly under cold water using a colander.

After rinsing, lay the microgreens out on paper towels and allow them to air dry completely.

If you're in a hurry, you can expedite the drying process by using a fan on a slow setting.

Keep in mind that freshly cut microgreens are best consumed immediately after drying.

Storing Red Cabbage Microgreens

Once harvested, you may wonder how to store your red cabbage microgreens properly.

The process is straightforward: place the microgreens loosely in a bowl or container and store them in your refrigerator.

This method helps to retain their freshness and prolong their shelf life.

Culinary Uses For Red Cabbage Microgreens

Red cabbage microgreens offer a wealth of culinary possibilities due to their vibrant color and subtly sweet flavor.

They can be incorporated into various dishes, such as salads, soups, and sandwiches, adding a nutritious and flavorful punch.

Baking enthusiasts can also use these microgreens as a unique addition to their baked goods.

Alternatively, for those seeking a healthful beverage option, red cabbage microgreens can be juiced and mixed into wheatgrass shots or smoothies for an added boost of nutrients.

Having just explored the fascinating world of growing red cabbage microgreens, you might be wondering, 'What more can I learn and grow in the world of microgreens?'

Our Mastering Microgreens: Grow Nutrient-Dense Greens at Home eBook is just what you need to dive into this green world.

This comprehensive guide is filled with tips to help beginners start and garden enthusiasts to level up their microgreen growing skills.

From understanding different varieties, navigating common growing issues, to innovative ways of incorporating these nutrient-dense greens into your meals, this guide covers it all.

Transform your home into a mini greens farm and explore the joy of growing your own food.

Are you ready to embrace the world of microgreens?

Get the Mastering Microgreens eBook

5 Red Cabbage Microgreen Recipe Ideas

Red cabbage microgreens are not just a nutritious addition to your diet; they can also be the star of many delectable dishes.

With their vibrant color, subtly sweet flavor, and nutritious profile, they can elevate your everyday meals.

Here are some exciting recipe ideas for incorporating red cabbage microgreens:

1. Red Cabbage Microgreen Salad: Toss red cabbage microgreens with sliced avocado, cherry tomatoes, thinly sliced cucumbers, and toasted pumpkin seeds. Dress it with a tangy lemon vinaigrette to create a fresh, colorful, and nutrient-rich salad.

2. Red Cabbage Microgreens Smoothie: For a healthful breakfast or snack, blend red cabbage microgreens with a banana, apple, a spoonful of honey, and a cup of almond milk. This vibrant green smoothie is both delicious and packed with essential nutrients.

3. Red Cabbage Microgreens Tacos: Replace the usual lettuce with red cabbage microgreens in your tacos for a boost of flavor and nutrition. Pair with grilled chicken, corn salsa, and a drizzle of creamy avocado dressing for a tasty and healthy twist on a classic dish.

4. Red Cabbage Microgreens Pizza: Use these microgreens as a nutritious topping on your favorite pizza. After baking, sprinkle a generous amount of red cabbage microgreens over the pizza. Their slight crunch and subtle flavor will add a new dimension to your homemade pizza.

5. Red Cabbage Microgreens Stir-Fry: Incorporate red cabbage microgreens into a vibrant stir-fry. Sauté tofu or shrimp with bell peppers, snap peas, and a splash of soy sauce. Just before serving, stir in the microgreens for added color, texture, and nutrition.

These are just a few examples of how you can incorporate red cabbage microgreens into your meals.

Their versatility, flavor, and nutritional benefits make them a fantastic addition to any dish.

5 Health Benefits of Red Cabbage Microgreens

Red cabbage microgreens are full of nutrients that help keep your eyesight protected, your immune system healthy, your bones healthy, and help prevent premature aging.

Other Health Benefits include:

1. Anti-Aging Properties

Antioxidants found in red cabbage help keep you looking young. Antioxidants, for one, do more than just protect you from the impact of free radicals; they also help reduce the signs of aging that can occur due to free radicals. (1)

2. Supports The Immune System

Red cabbage microgreens are one of the top Vitamin C foods on the planet! Vitamin C is critical in the production of collagen, which keeps our bodies and cells united and solid. Shielding you from oxidative stress and tissue damage. (2)

3. Combats Inflammation and Arthritis

Red cabbage contains sulforaphane which was found in one study to be a potent anti-inflammatory. (3) Eating an anti-inflammatory diet may help naturally treat arthritis and arthritic complications. (4)

4. Prevents Colon Cancer

Red cabbage microgreens, along with four other plants, were found in one study to have significant antioxidant activity and successfully protect against one type of internal DNA damage caused by a specific colon cancer cell. (5)

5. Fights Chronic Disease

Red cabbage microgreens are abundant in many disease-fighting antioxidants that play an important role in shielding your cells from free radicals that cause oxidative stress (6). Research has shown that free radicals can cause heart disease, Alzheimer's, and even cancer (7).

Red Cabbage Microgreens Nutritional Chart

The nutrition in red cabbage microgreens are amazing just like any other microgreens and includes the following:

Growing red cabbage microgreens might raise a few questions, especially if you're new to indoor gardening.

Here are answers to some of the most common queries:

How long does it take for red cabbage microgreens to grow?

On average, red cabbage microgreens take about 8 to 12 days to grow from seed to harvest. However, the growth speed can vary depending on factors like temperature, lighting conditions, and seed quality.

Can I grow red cabbage microgreens without a grow light?

Yes, you can grow red cabbage microgreens without a grow light. However, they do need a good amount of light, so place them in a sunny window if you don't have a grow light.

Final Thoughts on Red Cabbage Microgreens

Growing your own red cabbage microgreens can be a rewarding experience.

Not only will you enjoy the benefits of fresh, home-grown produce, but you'll also appreciate the vibrant touch of greenery they add to your home.

Remember, growing microgreens is relatively straightforward – with the right care, you can enjoy fresh and flavorful red cabbage microgreens all year round.

So, why not start your own indoor microgreen garden today? Your meals, your health, and your home will all thank you.

If you're interested in learning more about microgreens check out our comprehensive Microgreen eBook.

This step-by-step eBook will teach you everything you need to know about growing microgreens, including which varieties are easiest to grow and how to care for them.