How to Plant, Grow, and Harvest Peas

Updated: Jun 25, 2023

Peas, scientifically known as Pisum sativum, are a type of legume often featured in culinary applications across a multitude of cultures. Although their origin traces back to the Mediterranean and Middle East regions, they're now grown and consumed all over the world, lending our meals their distinct green hue and sweet, earthy flavor.

Peas come in various types, but the most common are garden peas, snow peas, and snap peas. Garden peas, or green peas, are usually shelled and used for their sweet seeds. Snow peas are edible pods that are typically harvested when the peas inside are still small, and snap peas, a cross between garden and snow peas, are known for their crisp, sweet pods.

Besides being a versatile culinary ingredient, peas also provide numerous health benefits. They are rich in vitamins A, C, and K, and provide a good source of fiber and protein. Furthermore, they contain heart-healthy minerals like magnesium, potassium, and calcium.

Growing peas in your own garden can be a rewarding endeavor. Not only will you have a fresh supply of this nutritious legume, but you'll also appreciate their attractive climbing vines, which can add a touch of beauty to your garden or even serve as a natural screen.

In the upcoming sections, we'll delve into how you can plant, grow, and harvest peas in your own garden, ensuring that you're never short of this versatile ingredient when you're cooking up a storm in the kitchen.

Optimal growing conditions for peas - Climate, sunlight, and soil requirements Optimal

Growing peas isn't a challenging endeavor, but to ensure a bountiful harvest, you need to create the optimal conditions. Here are the factors to consider when creating the ideal environment for your peas:


Peas thrive in cooler weather and can tolerate light frost, making them a fantastic early spring and fall crop. The optimal temperature for peas is between 55 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Extreme heat tends to harm pea plants, causing the peas to become tough and less sweet. Therefore, it's essential to plan your planting to avoid the peak of summer heat.


Peas need plenty of sunlight to grow properly, so pick a location that receives full sun exposure. However, in warmer climates, a little afternoon shade can help protect your pea plants from the scorching sun.

Soil Requirements

The soil is crucial to the health and productivity of your pea plants. Peas prefer well-draining, loamy soil with a pH level between 6.0 and 7.5. Before planting, it's wise to enrich your soil with compost or aged manure, which will provide a nutrient boost for the pea plants.

Watering Needs

Peas require consistent moisture, especially while they are flowering and producing pods. However, try to avoid waterlogged soil as it can cause the roots to rot. A good rule of thumb is to water deeply once a week, and adjust based on the weather conditions.


For optimal growth, peas need adequate room. Individual plants should be spaced about 1 to 2 inches apart, and rows should be set 18 to 24 inches apart. This spacing allows for adequate air circulation and reduces the risk of disease.

By creating the right environment for your peas, you can ensure a healthy, productive crop. Remember, the key is to understand your peas' needs and adapt your care accordingly. In the upcoming sections, we will discuss how to plant, tend to, and eventually harvest your peas for the best possible yield.

Step-by-step Guide to Planting Peas

When to Plant – Best time of the year for planting peas

Choosing the right time to plant your peas can greatly impact the success of your harvest. Here, we'll provide some insights into the optimal planting time for peas:


Peas are a cool-weather crop and can be planted in early spring or late summer for a fall harvest. They can tolerate light frosts and in fact, a touch of frost can actually make your peas sweeter!

Spring Planting

In many regions, peas are the first seeds that gardeners can plant in the spring. You can sow them as soon as the soil can be worked—this means when the soil is no longer frozen and is dry enough to not clump together when squeezed. Depending on your local climate, this might be anytime from late winter to early spring.

Fall Planting

For a fall harvest, you'll want to plant your peas in late summer or early fall, around 6 to 8 weeks before the first expected frost date. Fall-planted peas will produce pods quicker than their spring counterparts due to the shorter days and cooler temperatures of autumn.

Soil Temperature

While peas are cool-weather crops, they still need a bit of warmth to germinate. Aim for soil temperatures of at least 45 degrees Fahrenheit for the best germination rates. You can use a soil thermometer to check this.

In conclusion, understanding your local climate and soil conditions will greatly assist you in determining the best time to plant peas. In the next sections, we'll guide you through the steps of planting, growing, and harvesting your peas to ensure a plentiful yield.

Seed Selection – Choosing the right seeds for your garden

Selecting the right seeds is the first step towards a successful pea harvest. Here, we will guide you on how to choose the best peas for your garden:

Type of Peas

There are three main types of peas: garden peas, snap peas, and snow peas. Your choice depends largely on your personal preference and the purpose of growing them.

1. Garden peas, also known as shelling peas or English peas, are grown for their sweet, round seeds. They need to be shelled before eating.

2. Snap peas are a cross between garden peas and snow peas. Their pods are plump and crisp and can be eaten whole, without shelling.

3. Snow peas have flat pods and are typically harvested before the peas inside fully develop. They're often used in stir-fries and salads.

Climbing or Bush Variety

Peas come in both climbing and bush varieties. Climbing peas grow on vines that need support, such as trellises or fences. They tend to produce over a longer period and are a great choice if you have vertical space in your garden. Bush varieties, on the other hand, grow in a more compact form and don't require support, making them ideal for smaller spaces or containers.

Maturity Time

Consider the maturity time when choosing your pea seeds. Some varieties mature faster than others. If you want an early harvest or if you're planting for a fall crop, opt for a variety with a shorter maturity time.

Disease Resistance

Look for varieties that are resistant to common diseases in your area. Disease resistance can make a significant difference in the success of your harvest, especially if you're gardening in a region where pea diseases are prevalent.

Selecting the right seeds is crucial for your pea growing journey. After choosing the seeds that best suit your needs and preferences, you can move on to the exciting task of planting. In the following sections, we'll delve into the process of planting, growing, and harvesting your peas.

Site Preparation – How to prepare the garden bed or pot for planting

Before you plant your peas, proper site preparation is essential. This includes preparing the soil and setting up supports if needed. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to prepare your garden bed or pot for planting peas:

Selecting the Site

Firstly, choose a site that receives full sun exposure. Peas can tolerate a little shade, especially in hot climates, but they need plenty of sunlight for optimal growth. Ensure there's sufficient space for the peas to grow, considering the variety you're planting – climbing peas will need more vertical space, while bush types will spread out more horizontally.

Preparing the Soil

Peas prefer well-draining, fertile soil with a pH level between 6.0 and 7.5. If your soil is heavy clay or sandy, consider adding organic matter like compost or well-rotted manure to improve its texture and fertility. Turn over the soil with a garden fork or tiller to a depth of about 8 to 12 inches to loosen it, which will make it easier for the pea roots to penetrate.

Setting Up Supports

If you're planting climbing peas, set up your supports before you plant. This can be a trellis, netting, or even some stakes and string. Having the supports in place from the start will prevent damage to the plants and their roots later on.

For Container Planting

If you're planting peas in a pot, make sure the container is deep enough – at least 10 inches deep – to accommodate the pea roots. The pot should also have good drainage holes to prevent waterlogging. Use a high-quality potting mix, preferably one that's rich in organic matter.

Once you've prepared the site, you're ready to sow your seeds. In the next sections, we'll guide you through the process of planting, nurturing, and harvesting your peas, ensuring a successful and rewarding pea-growing experience.

Planting Process - Detailed Steps on How to Plant Seeds or Seedlings

Now that your garden bed or pot is ready, let's dive into the process of planting your peas. Here are the detailed steps:

Planting Seeds

1. Create Planting Trenches: For seeds, create a trench that's about 1 to 2 inches deep. If you're planting multiple rows, space the trenches about 18 to 24 inches apart to ensure good air circulation.

2. Sow the Seeds: Place the seeds in the trench, spacing them about 1 to 2 inches apart. If you're planting climbing peas, place them closer to the support structure.

3. Cover the Seeds: Gently cover the seeds with soil, pressing down lightly to ensure good contact between the soil and the seeds.

4. Water Thoroughly: Water the area thoroughly after planting. Maintain consistent moisture, but avoid waterlogging as this can cause the seeds to rot.

Planting Seedlings

If you're starting with pea seedlings, the process will be slightly different.

1. Dig Holes: Instead of trenches, dig holes that are deep and wide enough to accommodate the root ball of your seedlings. Space the holes about 1 to 2 inches apart.

2. Plant the Seedlings: Place the seedling in the hole, making sure it's planted at the same depth it was in its original container. If the seedling is a climbing variety, position it close to the support structure.

3. Backfill the Holes: Gently backfill the holes with soil, firming it around the base of the seedling.

4. Water Thoroughly: Water well after planting. Like with seeds, keep the soil consistently moist but avoid waterlogging.

In both cases, peas should germinate and break through the soil in one to three weeks, depending on the soil temperature and the variety of peas.

Once your peas are planted, your main tasks will be to keep them watered, watch out for pests and diseases, and provide support as they grow. In the following sections, we will explore how to care for your peas as they mature, leading up to the exciting moment of harvest.

Care for Growing Peas

Watering – How often and how much to water the plants

Proper watering is crucial for the growth and development of your peas. However, the amount and frequency of watering will depend on various factors such as your climate, the time of year, and the type of soil in your garden. Here are some general guidelines to help you keep your peas properly hydrated:


Peas need a consistent supply of water to grow their best. Generally, they should be watered once or twice a week, depending on your local weather conditions. If you're in a drier climate or experiencing a particularly dry spell, you may need to water more



The goal when watering is to moisten the soil to the depth of the pea plant's roots, which is typically about 1 to 2 inches for newly planted seeds or seedlings, and up to 6 inches for mature plants. A good rule of thumb is to provide about 1 inch of water per week, either through rainfall or watering. If your soil is sandy, you might need to water more frequently as it drains faster; if your soil is clay, you might need to water less often.


Soil Moisture: It's essential to maintain consistent soil moisture, especially when the peas are flowering and forming pods. However, avoid waterlogging the soil, as this can lead to root rot and other diseases.

Watering Technique: When watering, aim for the base of the plants to keep the foliage dry, which can help prevent diseases. Drip irrigation or soaker hoses are excellent choices for watering peas as they deliver water directly to the soil, reducing water waste and keeping the foliage dry.

Mulching: Consider using mulch around your pea plants to help conserve soil moisture. Organic mulches like straw or shredded leaves can also help keep the soil cool and suppress weeds.

Proper watering will help ensure a bountiful harvest of sweet, juicy peas. In the upcoming sections, we'll cover how to protect your peas from pests and diseases, as well as when and how to harvest your peas for the best flavor.

Fertilizing – The type of fertilizer needed and how to apply it

Peas are legumes and have the unique ability to fix nitrogen from the air with the help of bacteria in their root nodules, reducing the need for high-nitrogen fertilizers. However, they still benefit from the application of a balanced fertilizer to supply other necessary nutrients. Here's what you need to know about fertilizing your pea plants:

Type of Fertilizer

Choose a balanced, all-purpose garden fertilizer, something with a ratio close to 10-10-10 (N-P-K, respectively). If your soil is particularly deficient in certain nutrients, you may need a specialized fertilizer. For example, if your soil is low in phosphorus, a fertilizer with a higher middle number (representing phosphorus) could be beneficial.

When to Fertilize

The best time to fertilize peas is at planting time. If you prepared your soil well with compost or well-rotted manure, additional fertilization might not be necessary at the start. However, once the plants begin to flower, a boost of nutrients can help support pod production.

How to Apply Fertilizer

Here are the steps for applying fertilizer to your pea plants:

Read the Instructions: Fertilizers come in different forms and concentrations, so always read the instructions on the package for the recommended amounts and application methods.

Application: Apply the fertilizer around the base of the plants, ensuring that it doesn't come into direct contact with the stems or leaves, which could cause burning.

Watering: After applying the fertilizer, water the area thoroughly. This will help dissolve the fertilizer and carry it down into the root zone where the plants can absorb it.

Remember, while fertilizing is important, it's equally crucial not to overdo it. Excess fertilizer, particularly nitrogen, can lead to lush foliage growth at the expense of pod production. In the following sections, we'll explore how to protect your peas from pests and diseases and how and when to harvest your peas for peak flavor.

Disease and Pest Control – Common diseases and pests that can affect peas, and how to manage them

Like all plants, peas can be susceptible to certain diseases and pests. Knowledge of common problems and their management can help you keep your pea plants healthy and productive. Here's what you need to know:


Powdery Mildew: This fungal disease can cause a white, powdery coating on leaves, stems, and pods. It thrives in humid conditions. Ensure good air circulation around your plants and water at the base rather than overhead to reduce humidity. Fungicides can also be used as a last resort.

Root Rot: This is often caused by overly wet conditions and can result in yellowing leaves and wilting. To prevent it, ensure your peas are planted in well-draining soil and avoid overwatering.

Pea Blight: This fungus can cause spots on leaves and cankers on stems. Crop rotation and removal of infected plants are essential for controlling blight.


Aphids: These small, sap-sucking insects can weaken plants and spread diseases. They can be controlled with insecticidal soap or by attracting beneficial insects, such as ladybugs, that prey on aphids.

Pea Weevils: These beetles feed on pea foliage and can cause significant damage. They can be managed with crop rotation and by removing plant debris after harvest.

Pea Moth: This pest lays eggs on pea flowers, and the larvae feed on developing pods. Floating row covers can help protect plants from moth infestation.

Preventive Measures

Implementing good gardening practices can help prevent many diseases and pests. These include:

  • Crop Rotation: Rotate your pea plants with non-legume crops to disrupt the life cycles of pests and diseases.

  • Good Hygiene: Remove plant debris at the end of the season to reduce overwintering pests and diseases.

  • Healthy Soil: Healthy soil promotes strong, disease-resistant plants. Regular additions of organic matter can improve soil health.

While diseases and pests can pose challenges, a proactive approach to prevention and management can ensure a bountiful pea harvest. In the next section, we'll talk about when and how to harvest your peas for maximum flavor and yield.

Harvesting Peas

When to Harvest – Identifying signs that the peas is ready for harvesting

One of the most gratifying moments of growing peas is the harvest. But, knowing the exact time to pick your peas is crucial for getting the best taste and texture. Here's how you can tell when your peas are ready for harvest:

Garden Peas

For garden peas, which are shelled to eat the sweet peas inside, you want to harvest when the pods are plump and full. The peas should feel round to the touch. If you're unsure, you can pick a pod, open it, and taste a pea. It should be sweet and juicy, not starchy.

Snow Peas

Snow peas are harvested while the pods are still flat and the peas inside are small. They are ready to pick once the pods reach their full length but before the peas start to enlarge.

Snap Peas

Snap peas should be harvested when the pods are plump, and the peas are just starting to be visible but before they fully fill out the pod. The pods should be turgid and 'snap' like a fresh green bean when broken.

General Tips

1. Regular Harvesting: Regular harvesting encourages the plant to produce more pods. If pods are left to mature on the plant, it will stop producing new ones.

2. Morning Harvest: It's best to harvest peas in the morning after the dew has dried. The pods are crisper, sweeter, and less likely to wilt.

3. Gentle Handling: When picking peas, be gentle to avoid damaging the plant. Hold the stem with one hand and the pod with the other, pulling gently to remove the pod.

Remember, the more you pick, the more peas you'll get. So don't be shy about harvesting. After this, we'll talk about how to store your harvested peas to retain their freshness for as long as possible.

How to Harvest – Techniques for harvesting peas to prevent damage to the plant and fruit

The method you use to harvest your peas can have a significant impact on the health of your plants and the quality of the fruit. Here are some techniques that can help you harvest your peas without causing unnecessary damage:

Two-Handed Technique: Pea plants are generally delicate, and pulling on them too hard can dislodge the entire plant from the ground. To avoid this, use one hand to hold the pea vine just above the pod, and use your other hand to gently twist and pull the pod free.

Use Pruning Shears: For particularly stubborn pea pods, you might find it helpful to use a pair of pruning shears or scissors. Just be careful not to cut into the vine itself.

Regular Harvesting: Regular harvesting encourages more pod production. If pods are left to mature and dry out on the plant, the plant will stop producing new pods. Inspect your plants every day or two during the harvest season.

Check the Undersides: Pea pods can be sneaky and hide underneath the plant's leaves. Make sure to check the undersides of your plants so you don't miss any pods.

Be Gentle: If a pod doesn't come free easily, it might not be ready for harvest. Give it another day or two and try again.

Harvest in the Morning: Peas are at their sweetest in the early morning before the heat of the day. If possible, harvest your peas in the morning for the best flavor.

Remember, harvesting is not the end of your job. In the next section, we'll discuss how to store and preserve your peas so you can enjoy them for weeks or even months to come.

Post-Harvest Care and Storage: How to Store and Preserve Peas for Maximum Freshness and Longevity

Once your peas are harvested, proper storage is essential to maintain their sweet flavor and crisp texture. Let's look at how you can store and preserve your fresh peas:

Immediate Use

If you plan to use your peas within a few days, keep them in their pods and store them in the refrigerator. A perforated plastic bag in the crisper drawer will provide the right level of humidity and can keep your peas fresh for up to a week.


For longer-term storage, freezing is the best option. Here's how to freeze your peas:

1. Shell the Peas: Remove peas from their pods.

2. Blanch: Blanching is a process where you briefly cook the peas in boiling water (1-2 minutes), then immediately plunge them into ice water to stop the cooking process. This helps maintain the peas' color, texture, and nutritional value during freezing.

3. Dry and Freeze: Pat the peas dry and spread them in a single layer on a baking sheet. Freeze until solid. This initial freezing will prevent the peas from sticking together.

4. Pack and Store: Transfer the frozen peas into airtight freezer bags or containers. They can be stored in the freezer for up to one year.


Canning is another method to preserve peas, although it can affect the texture. If you choose to can your peas, you'll need to use a pressure canner, as peas are a low-acid vegetable.


Some varieties of peas can be left on the vine to dry, then shelled and stored for use in soups and stews. Dried peas should be stored in airtight containers in a cool, dark, dry place.

Remember, peas are at their best right after they're harvested. Try to use or preserve them as soon as possible after picking to enjoy their sweet, fresh flavor. With these storage tips, you can savor your homegrown peas long after the growing season has ended.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How long does it take for peas to grow?

The growth period for peas can vary based on the specific variety and the growing conditions, but generally, peas take between 60 to 70 days from planting to harvest. This timeline includes the following stages:

1. Germination: This is when the seed first sprouts. For peas, this typically happens within 7-14 days after planting.

2. Flowers: Pea plants start to produce flowers usually around 30-40 days after planting.

3. Pod Development: The flowers eventually develop into pods. This process takes about 2-3 weeks after flowering.

4. Harvest: Most peas are ready for harvest about 20-30 days after the flowers appear, depending on the variety and the desired size of the peas.

Remember, factors like the type of pea (garden peas, snow peas, or snap peas), the specific variety, soil conditions, and weather can all affect the exact timing. The best way to know when your peas are ready to harvest is to watch for the signs described earlier, such as the size and feel of the pods.

Recap and Final Thoughts: Time to Start Planting, Growing, and Harvesting Peas

We've come a long way on our journey through the process of planting, growing, and harvesting peas. Now, let's recap some of the key points we've covered in this guide:

1. Optimal Growing Conditions: Peas prefer cool weather, with ideal temperatures between 45 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. They need a well-draining soil with a pH level between 6.0 and 7.5 and full sun to partial shade.

2. When to Plant: Peas should be planted in early spring, as soon as the soil can be worked, or in late summer for a fall harvest.

3. Seed Selection: Choosing the right seeds for your garden depends on your preferences in taste and the type of pea – garden, snap, or snow peas.

4. Site Preparation: The garden bed or pot for planting needs to be well-drained, rich in organic matter, and located in a sunny spot.

5. Planting Process: Peas should be planted 1 inch deep and 2 inches apart, with rows about 18 inches apart. Trellising is recommended for most types.

6. Watering: Peas need about 1 inch of water per week, with consistent moisture for the best pod development.

7. Fertilizing: Peas require little fertilization as they can fix their own nitrogen. However, phosphorus and potassium can be beneficial.

8. Disease and Pest Control: Common issues include powdery mildew, root rot, aphids, and pea weevils. Good gardening practices can mitigate these problems.

9. When and How to Harvest: The exact timing depends on the type of pea, but they are typically ready 60-70 days after planting. Harvesting should be done gently to prevent plant damage.

10. Post-Harvest Care and Storage: Fresh peas can be stored in the refrigerator, frozen, canned, or dried for longer storage.

Growing your own peas can be a rewarding endeavor, offering fresh, sweet pods far superior to anything you can buy at the grocery store. Even if you're a beginner gardener, peas are a great place to start as they're relatively easy to grow and provide a bountiful harvest. So don't wait – start planning your pea garden today and look forward to the satisfying crunch of homegrown peas in just a couple of months.