How to Grow and Harvest Cress Microgreens at Home

Updated: Sep 23, 2023

The humble Cress, often overlooked, is a potent powerhouse when it comes to microgreens. With a flavor that's as vibrant as its bright green leaves, Cress microgreens offer a peppery punch that can liven up any dish.

But beyond their taste, these little green gems also pack a nutritional wallop, making them a must-have in your microgreen garden.

Cress, also known as garden cress or peppergrass, is a fast-growing, edible herb that is botanically related to watercress and mustard — and you can certainly tell from its tangy, peppery flavor. A

s a microgreen, it's grown in a similar way to other varieties, but the rapid growth cycle and the robust flavor profile set it apart from its peers.

One of the unique qualities of Cress microgreens is their high growth speed. These sprouts are ready to harvest in as little as 5-7 days from sowing, making them one of the quickest microgreens you can grow.

This trait, coupled with their low maintenance needs, makes Cress an ideal choice for first-time microgreen growers.

Cress microgreens are rich in vitamins A, C, and K, and minerals like calcium and iron. They're also a good source of dietary fiber and antioxidants, and have been studied for their potential health benefits, including anti-inflammatory and digestive health support.

Their vibrant green color and peppery flavor make Cress microgreens a versatile addition to any dish, from sandwiches and salads to soups and main courses. They can be used as a garnish, incorporated into recipes, or even eaten on their own as a spicy snack.

The Cress microgreen's unique combination of rapid growth, nutritional benefits, and versatile flavor make them a must-try for anyone looking to expand their homegrown microgreen repertoire.

In the following sections, we'll delve into the basics of growing Cress microgreens and gathering the necessary materials for your indoor garden.

Join us on this exciting journey of indoor farming, as we take a step towards a healthier, greener lifestyle.

How To Grow Cress Microgreens

When you start on the journey of growing cress microgreens, it's essential to grasp some of the fundamental concepts.

Cress seeds, given the right conditions of warmth, moisture, and light, sprout quickly and grow into nutrient-dense greens within a week. Unlike some other microgreens, cress does not require a pre-soaking period, which makes the growing process even simpler.

The growing cycle for cress is short. You'll see germination within 1-2 days and they will be ready for harvest within 5-7 days, given optimal conditions. When mature, the sprouts have a pair of small round leaves, also known as cotyledons, and a thin stem.

Cress microgreens are slightly more sensitive to light than some other varieties. They prefer a bit of shade and indirect sunlight as too much direct sunlight can cause them to wilt.

Before you embark on your indoor farming adventure, you'll need to gather the right materials. Here's what you'll need:

Growing Trays: You'll need two 10" x 20" growing trays — one with drainage holes and the other without. The tray with the drainage holes will sit inside the one without, providing a reservoir for water and allowing your microgreens to self-water from below.

Growing Medium: Cress seeds do well in a soilless growing medium like coconut coir or a high-quality organic potting mix. A soilless medium is free of pathogens and makes it easier to manage water levels.

Cress Seeds: Ensure you purchase high-quality, organic seeds from a reputable supplier to guarantee the best results.

Spray Bottle: This will be used to keep your seeds moist during the germination period.

Light Source: If you don't have access to a sunny window, consider investing in a grow light. Microgreens, including cress, need plenty of light to photosynthesize and grow.

Other Supplies: You may also need a sharp knife or a pair of scissors for harvesting your cress microgreens, and a container for storing your harvested greens.

As you gather your materials, remember that the quality of your supplies will greatly affect the growth of your microgreens.

Next, we will cover the process of sowing your cress seeds and nurturing them until they're ready for harvest.

Step 1. Germinate The Seeds

Initiate the germination process by placing cress seeds in a jar and soaking them in water for 24 hours.

This soaking time will cause the seeds to swell and develop a gel-like coating, indicating they're ready for planting.

Step 2. Prepare The Grow Tray

Commence by setting up two 10x20-inch growing trays. The bottom tray will serve as a reservoir, filled with water, while the upper tray with drainage holes will allow the water to reach the microgreen roots, thereby preventing mold growth and easing the growing process.

At this point, don't add water to the bottom tray. Instead, take the top tray (without drainage holes), fill it with coco coir, and even out the surface.

Hydrate the coir generously with a spray bottle, ensuring it's thoroughly moist. If a spray bottle isn't available, gently sprinkle water over the coco coir until adequately hydrated.

Step 3. Plant The Seeds

Next, transfer the cress seeds from the jar to the prepared tray, spreading them evenly over the moist coco coir. If there's any leftover gel or water in the jar, include that as well.

Contrary to other microgreens, cress seeds don't need to be covered with soil or blacked out with another container. They will germinate adequately with about 12 hours of light exposure daily.

At this stage, cease using the spray bottle and start watering your microgreens from the bottom, utilizing the tray beneath your grow tray. This method prevents soil splashing onto the sprouts and reduces mold growth chances.

Step 4. Check Daily

Within two days, the cress seeds should start developing shoots. Initially, these shoots might appear yellow, but they'll green up with consistent light exposure.

Maintain a balanced watering regimen from this point until harvest and ensure your microgreens get at least 12 hours of light every day.

This continual care will ensure your cress microgreens grow healthily and are ready for harvest in due time.

Troubleshooting Common Cress Microgreens Growing Challenges

Despite the simplicity of growing cress microgreens, you may encounter a few challenges along the way.

Here, we discuss some common issues and solutions to help you navigate through them.

1. Slow or Inconsistent Germination: This can be caused by a lack of moisture, incorrect temperatures, or inadequate light. To remedy this, ensure the coco coir is sufficiently moistened and that the growing conditions stay within the ideal range of 65-75 degrees Fahrenheit. Providing adequate light (about 12 hours daily) can also promote healthier and more consistent germination.

2. Yellow Leaves: If your cress microgreens remain yellow despite growing for a few days, they're likely not getting enough light. Remember, these plants need around 12 hours of light each day. Consider investing in a grow light if natural light is insufficient.

3. Mold Growth: Mold often occurs when there's poor air circulation or overwatering. To avoid this, ensure you're not overwatering your cress microgreens and there's adequate airflow around your growing setup. Using the bottom-watering method can also help prevent mold growth.

4. Weak or Leggy Microgreens: This is usually a sign of insufficient light or overcrowding. If your cress microgreens appear weak or stretched out, try giving them more light and ensure they're not too densely planted.

5. Seed Hulls Sticking to Leaves: This can happen when the seeds are not thoroughly soaked before planting or if there isn't enough moisture in the growing medium. Try soaking your seeds for a longer period and maintaining adequate moisture in the coco coir.

Remember, patience and consistent care are key to successful microgreen cultivation.

If you encounter any problems, don't be disheartened!

Learning from these challenges is a valuable part of the growing journey.

How To Harvest Cress Microgreens

Cress microgreens reach their prime harvest time between 6 to 10 days after sprouting, typically when the shoots reach around two inches in height. At this stage, the flavor is most potent, and the leaves are tender and crisp.

For the best results, harvest your microgreens in cool conditions. Early mornings or late evenings are ideal to ensure that your fresh greens stay crisp and do not wilt after harvesting. Make sure to relocate your trays to a cool, shady place prior to this.

Harvesting your cress microgreens is as simple as using a pair of kitchen scissors or a sharp knife to cut the shoots just above the growing medium.

Congratulations! You have successfully grown cress microgreens at home!

Washing and Drying Cress Microgreens

Gently rinse the harvested cress microgreens under cold running water using a colander, taking care to remove any remaining growing medium.

Afterwards, spread them over paper towels to air dry completely. A fan on a low setting can be used to speed up the drying process.

Always remember that freshly harvested microgreens should be thoroughly dried before storage. This is crucial as any remaining moisture can lead to spoilage.

Storing Cress Microgreens

For storage, place your dry cress microgreens loosely in a bowl or container and store them in the refrigerator. They can remain fresh for several days when stored correctly.

Using Cress Microgreens

Cress microgreens are not just for growing; they're for eating too! These nutrient-dense greens can elevate the flavor of salads, soups, and sandwiches.

They can also be juiced or blended into smoothies for a nutritious boost. Regardless of how you use them, cress microgreens are a delightful addition to your culinary creations.

Having just explored the fascinating world of growing cress microgreens, you might be wondering, 'What more can I learn and grow in the world of microgreens?'

Our Mastering Microgreens: Grow Nutrient-Dense Greens at Home eBook is just what you need to dive into this green world.

This comprehensive guide is filled with tips to help beginners start and garden enthusiasts to level up their microgreen growing skills.

From understanding different varieties, navigating common growing issues, to innovative ways of incorporating these nutrient-dense greens into your meals, this guide covers it all.

Transform your home into a mini greens farm and explore the joy of growing your own food.

Are you ready to embrace the world of microgreens?

Get the Mastering Microgreens eBook

5 Cress Microgreens Recipe Ideas

1. Peppery Cress Microgreen Salad:

Cress microgreens have a distinctive peppery flavor that pairs wonderfully with a variety of salad ingredients. Try combining them with mixed salad leaves, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, avocado, and a tangy lemon vinaigrette. Top with feta cheese and toasted pine nuts for extra texture and flavor.

2. Cress Microgreen Avocado Toast:

Upgrade your avocado toast by adding a layer of fresh cress microgreens. Smash ripe avocado onto whole-grain toast, add a squeeze of fresh lemon juice, a sprinkle of chili flakes, and top generously with cress microgreens for a nutrient-packed breakfast or snack.

3. Cress Microgreen Soup:

Blend a handful of cress microgreens into your favorite soup for an added peppery kick. They blend well with pea or potato soups and add not only flavor but also a vibrant green color.

4. Cress Microgreen Smoothie:

Start your day with a nutrient-packed smoothie. Blend together banana, spinach, pineapple, and a generous handful of cress microgreens. Add a splash of almond milk and a spoonful of honey for a refreshing and healthy smoothie.

5. Cress Microgreen Pesto:

Swap out traditional basil for cress microgreens in your pesto recipe. Combine cress microgreens, garlic, pine nuts, Parmesan cheese, and olive oil in a food processor and blend until smooth. This pesto is perfect for pasta, on a pizza base, or as a tasty sandwich spread.

Incorporating cress microgreens into your meals is a simple way to add nutrients, flavor, and visual appeal to your dishes.

So, don't hesitate to experiment with these greens and see how they can enhance your culinary creations.

Enjoy the process of growing and eating your homegrown cress microgreens!

5 Health Benefits of Cress Microgreens

Cress microgreens are packed with many antioxidants, which prevent free radicals from damaging your cells.

These antioxidants protect you from illnesses including cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

1. Prevents Chronic Disease

Cress microgreens are filled with antioxidants that stop free radicals from causing oxidative stress, as oxidative stress leads to diseases such as diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular disease. Therefore eating cress microgreens will lower your chances of developing chronic diseases. (1)

2. Prevents Cancer

Cress microgreens contain Isothiocyanates such as sulforaphane, these compounds have been found in multiple studies to stop the spread of tumors and protect healthy cells from damage. The Isothiocyanates in cress have been found to specifically prevent colon, lung, prostate, and skin cancers. (2)

3. Enhances Bone Health

Vitamin K is essential for bone health, and cress microgreens contain a lot of it. A lack of vitamin K has been associated with an increased risk of fractures and reduced bone strength. (3) While Vitamin K is great, cress microgreens also contain many other minerals that are important for bone health such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium. (4)

4. Supports Immune System

Cress microgreens have a rich amount of Vitamin C, and Vitamin C plays an important role in the immune system by producing white blood cells that fight infections. Being deficient in Vitamin C has been linked to many health problems. (5)

5. Supports Heart Health

Cress microgreens are high in antioxidants such as lutein and zeaxanthin. These carotenoids not only protect against the development of heart disease but also lower your risk of heart attack and stroke. (6)

Cress Microgreens Nutritional Chart

Cress Microgreens are rich in beneficial nutrients such as enzymes, antioxidants, protein, and minerals. If you are also looking for vitamins in microgreens, Cress has them all.

How long does it take for cress microgreens to grow?

Cress microgreens are one of the fastest-growing varieties, typically ready for harvest just 6-10 days after sowing.

Can I grow cress microgreens without light?

While cress microgreens can germinate without light, they will need some form of light (preferably sunlight or a grow light) after germination to properly grow and develop their characteristic green color.

Final Thoughts on Growing Cress Microgreens

Embarking on your indoor microgreen garden journey is an exciting endeavor that promises rewarding outcomes.

The process of nurturing your plants from seed to harvest can be deeply satisfying, not to mention the added bonus of having fresh, nutrient-dense greens at your disposal.

Growing cress microgreens at home is a simple and effective way to introduce homegrown nutrition to your meals.

They require minimal resources and are relatively low maintenance, making them perfect even for beginners.

So, gather your seeds, prepare your growing trays, and embark on your microgreen journey.

If you're interested in learning more about microgreens check out our comprehensive Microgreen eBook.

This step-by-step eBook will teach you everything you need to know about growing microgreens, including which varieties are easiest to grow and how to care for them.