How to Grow and Harvest Clover Microgreens at Home

Updated: Sep 23, 2023

In the world of microgreens, clover is an unsung hero, offering a variety of health benefits, a unique taste profile, and the added advantage of being relatively easy to grow.

In this section, we'll explore the distinct qualities of this variety that make clover microgreens a rewarding addition to your indoor garden.

Clover microgreens are an excellent source of essential nutrients, including Vitamins A, C, and E. They also provide ample calcium and iron, contributing significantly to bone health and aiding blood production, respectively.

Furthermore, these little greens are high in antioxidants, which play a crucial role in preventing damage to your cells from free radicals.

Clover microgreens offer a mildly sweet, nutty flavor that's slightly reminiscent of fresh peas. This makes them perfect for adding depth to the taste profile of your salads, sandwiches, or even soups. In terms of texture, they bring a crisp, refreshing crunch to your dishes.

Clover microgreens have a bright, vibrant green color that gives a beautiful touch to your indoor garden. Their leaves are petite and rounded, and they grow on tender, delicate stems.

One of the key advantages of growing clover microgreens is their simplicity in cultivation.

These microgreens are robust and adaptable, capable of thriving in a variety of environments.

This makes them an excellent choice for both novice and seasoned indoor gardeners.

Stay tuned as we dive deeper into the intricacies of growing and harvesting clover microgreens at home in the following sections.

How To Grow Clover Microgreens

Before we delve into the planting process, it's essential to understand some basics about clover microgreens.

These tiny greens belong to the legume family and are known for their vibrant green leaves and sweet, nutty flavor. In addition to their delicious taste, clover microgreens are highly nutritious, boasting a dense profile of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Clover microgreens prefer cooler temperatures and ample light to grow effectively. It's also important to note that these greens are more susceptible to overwatering than some other varieties, making it crucial to maintain a balanced watering regimen.

To start your clover microgreen garden at home, you'll need a few key items. Here's a list of the necessary materials:

Clover Seeds: The first requirement, obviously, is clover seeds. Opt for organic seeds if possible, as they are generally free from harmful chemicals.

Growing Trays: You'll need shallow growing trays for your microgreen garden. Opt for trays with drainage holes to avoid waterlogging.

Growing Medium: Clover microgreens can be grown in various mediums, including soil-based or soilless options like coco coir or a high-quality potting mix.

Light Source: While natural sunlight is ideal, artificial grow lights can also be used, especially if you are growing your microgreens indoors.

Watering Spray Bottle: A spray bottle is perfect for watering your clover microgreens, as it provides the gentle moisture these delicate plants need.

Scissors: A sharp pair of scissors will be required for harvesting your microgreens when they're ready.

Optional - Heat Mat: Clover seeds prefer a cooler environment to germinate, but if your home is very cold, a heat mat can help maintain a stable temperature for optimum growth.

Now that you're equipped with the basics and the necessary tools, you're all set to start your indoor clover microgreen garden.

Let's move on to the planting process in the next section.

Step 1. Prepare The Grow Tray

Begin with two 10x20 inch growing trays, one positioned underneath the other. The lower tray will serve as a reservoir for water, enabling moisture to reach the microgreens' roots through the drainage holes of the top tray.

This setup not only prevents mold growth but also simplifies the growing process.

Before adding water to the bottom tray, fill the top tray (the one with drainage holes) with coco coir.

Level the surface and dampen it thoroughly using a spray bottle. If a spray bottle is not available, sprinkle water over the coco coir until it's adequately moist.

Step 2. Add The Seeds

Next, evenly distribute the clover seeds across the moistened growing medium. After seeding, moisten the seeds again, but do not cover them with additional medium.

Instead, place another tray on top to blackout the seeds for three days, creating a humid, dark environment ideal for germination.

The optimal temperature range for clover germination is between 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit. During this period, mist the seeds approximately every 10-12 hours.

On the third or fourth day, invert the blackout lid and moisten its underside. Rest it on top of the sprouting clover, compelling them to grow stronger. Maintain this inverted lid for an additional day or two before fully exposing the sprouts to light.

Step 3. Uncover And Give Light

Around day 5 or 6, remove the cover tray, providing your clover microgreens with at least 12 hours of light each day.

It's recommended to use a grow light since placing them next to a window might cause the greens to lean and grow leggy.

Now, it's time to shift to watering from the bottom tray to prevent soil splashing onto the plants and to mitigate mold growth.

To do this, simply fill another tray (without drainage holes) with water and position it underneath the growing tray.

This method ensures the microgreens' roots have access to the necessary moisture, eliminating the need for the spray bottle.

Troubleshooting Common Clover Microgreens Growing Challenges

Clover microgreens are relatively easy to grow, but like any plant, they can still experience challenges.

Here are some common issues you may encounter, along with suggestions for how to address them:

Poor Germination:

If your seeds aren't sprouting or if germination is uneven, it could be due to a variety of factors including improper watering, insufficient darkness during the initial growth phase, or old seeds.

Make sure to soak the seeds for 24 hours before planting, cover them for the first few days to create a dark environment, and always use fresh seeds for optimal results.

Leggy Seedlings:

If your microgreens are tall and thin, it usually means they're not getting enough light. Position your grow tray in a spot with plenty of natural light, or consider investing in a grow light for more consistent results.

Mold Growth:

If you notice fuzzy white growth on your microgreens, it could be mold, which is often due to overwatering or poor ventilation.

To prevent mold, ensure your grow trays have good airflow around them, don't overwater, and keep the growing environment clean. If mold persists, it may be beneficial to consider a different growing medium.

Slow Growth:

If your clover microgreens seem to be growing slowly, it could be because of low temperatures. Clover microgreens prefer a temperature range of 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit for optimal growth.

Yellow Leaves:

Clover microgreens should be a vibrant green. If they’re yellow, it could be due to a lack of light or nutrients.

Make sure they’re getting sufficient light, and if you're using a soilless medium, consider a nutrient solution designed for microgreens.

Remember, growing microgreens is both a science and an art. Be patient, experiment with different methods, and learn from your experiences.

Before long, you’ll be a pro at growing clover microgreens!

How To Harvest Clover Microgreens

Clover microgreens generally mature within 8 to 12 days, although the optimal harvest window can be as early as day 8.

Use a pair of scissors or a knife to carefully cut the shoots approximately a quarter of an inch above the growing medium.

With these steps completed, you've successfully grown clover microgreens!

Washing and Drying Clover Microgreens

After harvesting, thoroughly rinse the microgreens under cold water, ideally in a colander to ensure even washing.

Dry the microgreens by spreading them on paper towels, letting them air dry. For a quicker drying process, you can use a fan on a low setting.

It's best to consume freshly cut microgreens immediately after drying. However, they can be stored in the refrigerator for several days if placed loosely in a bowl.

Do ensure the microgreens are completely dry before refrigeration to prevent spoilage.

Storing Clover Microgreens

Storing your harvested clover microgreens is a straightforward process. Simply place them loosely in a container or bowl and store them in the refrigerator.

Uses of Clover Microgreens

Clover microgreens are incredibly versatile in the culinary world. Their unique, nutty flavor and crunchy texture make them an excellent addition to sandwiches and salads.

Having just explored the fascinating world of growing clover microgreens, you might be wondering, 'What more can I learn and grow in the world of microgreens?'

Our Mastering Microgreens: Grow Nutrient-Dense Greens at Home eBook is just what you need to dive into this green world.

This comprehensive guide is filled with tips to help beginners start and garden enthusiasts to level up their microgreen growing skills.

From understanding different varieties, navigating common growing issues, to innovative ways of incorporating these nutrient-dense greens into your meals, this guide covers it all.

Transform your home into a mini greens farm and explore the joy of growing your own food.

Are you ready to embrace the world of microgreens?

Get the Mastering Microgreens eBook

6 Clover Microgreens Recipe Ideas

Clover microgreens are a delicious, nutritious addition to your culinary repertoire, providing a nutty flavor and a satisfying crunch.

Here are a few creative recipe ideas for incorporating these vibrant greens into your meals:

Clover Microgreens Salad:

Toss clover microgreens with a medley of your favorite salad vegetables — think cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, and radishes. Drizzle with a light vinaigrette and top with a sprinkle of feta cheese for a refreshing, nutrient-packed meal.

Green Smoothie Boost:

Boost the nutritional profile of your morning smoothie by adding a handful of clover microgreens. Their mild flavor pairs well with a variety of fruits. Try blending them with banana, pineapple, and a splash of almond milk for a tropical treat.

Avocado and Clover Microgreen Toast:

Upgrade your avocado toast by adding a layer of clover microgreens. The nutty flavor of the microgreens is a perfect complement to the creamy avocado. Sprinkle with a little sea salt and black pepper for a quick, healthy breakfast or lunch.

Clover Microgreens Pesto:

Instead of using basil, try clover microgreens for a unique spin on pesto. Blend with garlic, pine nuts, Parmesan, and olive oil, then toss with your favorite pasta or use as a spread on sandwiches.

Stir-Fry with a Twist:

Add a handful of clover microgreens to your stir-fry just before it's done cooking. They'll add a pop of color, a new layer of flavor, and a boost of nutrition.

Egg and Clover Microgreen Wrap:

Scatter some clover microgreens over a scrambled egg, add a slice of sharp cheddar, and roll it up in a whole-grain tortilla for a quick, protein-packed breakfast or lunch.

These are just a few ideas to get you started. Feel free to get creative and try adding clover microgreens to other dishes. Their unique flavor and crunch are sure to enhance any meal.

5 Health Benefits of Clover Microgreens

Clover microgreens are rich in many vitamins and minerals and are great for regulating bodily functions and reducing the risk of heart disease and diabetes.

1. Prevents Anemia

Anemia is a condition in which you lack sufficient healthy red blood cells to carry adequate oxygen to your body's tissues. Which can make you feel tired and weak without you even knowing what caused it.

Clover microgreens contain about 5 percent of the recommended daily intake of iron, which helps carry oxygen to your body tissues and prevents anemia (1).

2. Aids In Weight Loss

Clover microgreens are rich in fiber that produces a feeling of fullness in the body and prevents you from overeating (2). Eating clover microgreens will assist you in maintaining a proper balance of carbohydrates and calories. Which will lead to a reduction in weight.

3. Prevent Cancer

Clover microgreens possess an abundant number of antioxidants such as phytochemicals and isoflavones. Which may hinder the spread of cancer cells by reducing oxidative stress in the body (3) (4).

4. Prevent Alzheimer's

Your brain needs oxygen to function properly and the iron present in clover microgreens helps deliver oxygen to the brain. By eating iron-rich diets you will lower your chances of developing Alzheimer's and dementia (5).

5. Cleanse Your Blood

Research has discovered that clover microgreens possess the capability to improve liver function and more effectively purify the blood. Therefore placing less stress on your circulatory and immune systems (6).

Clover Microgreens Nutritional Chart

Clover microgreens are rich in vitamins A, B, C, and K, zinc, magnesium, and protein. They are also low in calories so you can eat as much as you like.

Specific nutritional data has not been researched by the FDA or USDA. The chart above is all we know so far.

How long does it take for Clover microgreens to grow?

Clover microgreens typically take around 8-12 days from seeding to harvest. However, the exact timing can vary depending on factors like the growing conditions and the specific variety of clover being grown.

Do Clover microgreens need light to grow?

Yes, clover microgreens need light to grow properly. After the initial germination period in darkness, they should be moved to a location with sufficient light. This can be natural sunlight or artificial grow lights.

What should I do if my Clover microgreens aren't growing well?

If your clover microgreens aren't growing as expected, check the growing conditions. Make sure they're getting enough light, the temperature is within the ideal range (65-75 degrees Fahrenheit), and they're not getting too much or too little water. If you're still having trouble, you may need to experiment with different growing mediums or clover varieties.

Final Thoughts on Growing Clover Microgreens

Growing your own clover microgreens can be an enjoyable and rewarding activity. Not only does it allow you to have fresh, nutritious greens at your fingertips, but it's also a great way to bring a little bit of nature into your home.

While there can be challenges along the way, with a bit of practice and patience, you'll be able to cultivate lush, vibrant microgreens that can enhance a variety of meals.

So, why not give it a try?

Start your own indoor microgreen garden today and discover the joy of growing your own food.

If you're interested in learning more about microgreens check out our comprehensive Microgreen eBook.

This step-by-step eBook will teach you everything you need to know about growing microgreens, including which varieties are easiest to grow and how to care for them.