How to Grow and Harvest Broccoli Microgreens at Home

Updated: Sep 23, 2023

Broccoli microgreens are one of the most popular and versatile choices for home growers due to their robust flavor and impressive nutritional profile.

These miniature versions of mature broccoli plants not only add visual interest and a fresh crunch to a variety of dishes but are also powerhouses of nutrition.

Broccoli microgreens have a vibrant green color and delicate, slender stems topped with a pair of tiny leaves.

Their flavor is quite distinctive—slightly sweet and mildly peppery with a hint of mature broccoli's earthy taste.

The texture is tender yet crisp, making them an excellent addition to salads, sandwiches, and various other dishes.

One of the unique qualities of broccoli microgreens is their nutritional composition. Despite their small size, they pack a significant health punch.

They're rich in vitamins A, C, and K, as well as minerals like calcium, magnesium, and iron. What sets them apart is their high concentration of sulforaphane, a compound known for its potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

In terms of growing habit, broccoli microgreens are relatively easy to cultivate at home, making them a favorite among beginners.

They usually germinate within a few days and are ready to harvest in just one to two weeks.

They don't require much space or special equipment, which makes them ideal for indoor gardening.

In the subsequent sections, we will delve into the specifics of growing broccoli microgreens, covering everything from the materials you'll need to the step-by-step process, common challenges, and more.

Whether you're a seasoned indoor gardener or just getting started, this guide will equip you with all the information you need to successfully cultivate your own nutrient-rich broccoli microgreens at home.

How To Grow Broccoli Microgreens

Growing broccoli microgreens involves knowing some basic principles about their growth requirements. These miniature greens need light, moisture, a suitable growing medium, and, of course, quality seeds to sprout successfully. Understanding these basics will provide a solid foundation for your indoor gardening efforts.

Broccoli microgreens, like other greens, require sufficient light to grow. While they do not need direct sunlight, they should be grown in a bright area or under suitable indoor plant lighting for optimal growth.

Maintaining the right moisture level is critical for growing microgreens. Over-watering can lead to problems such as mold, while under-watering can hinder germination and growth. Hence, consistent and careful watering is key.

Broccoli microgreens can be grown in a variety of mediums, including soil, coconut coir, or even hydroponically. The choice of medium will largely depend on your personal preference and the resources available to you.

High-quality, non-GMO broccoli seeds are recommended for best results. Ensure the seeds are intended for sprouting and are free from any chemical treatment.

Now that you're familiar with the basics, let's go over the materials needed to grow broccoli microgreens at home:

Broccoli Seeds: As mentioned above, ensure they're high-quality and intended for sprouting.

Growing Tray: Any shallow tray will do. You can use a standard plant growing tray or even repurpose a clean takeaway container.

Growing Medium: Choose from organic potting soil, coconut coir, or a hydroponic pad, depending on your preferred growing method.

Spray Bottle: This is used to mist the seeds and keep the growing medium moist, especially in the early stages of growth.

Light Source: If you don't have access to adequate natural light, you may need an indoor grow light.

Scissors or a Sharp Knife: You'll need this for harvesting your mature microgreens.

Once you have all your materials gathered, you're ready to start your broccoli microgreen garden. Follow along with the rest of this guide to learn the step-by-step process.

Step 1. Prepare The Grow Tray

Begin with two 10x20-inch growing trays. Place the tray with drainage holes atop the one without, allowing the latter to catch any excess water and deliver it to the roots of the microgreens, thereby preventing mold growth and facilitating easier cultivation.

Before adding water, fill the upper tray (the one with drainage holes) with coco coir. Level out the surface and moisten it using a spray bottle.

If you don't have a spray bottle, you can sprinkle water over the coco coir until it's adequately hydrated.

If your tray doesn't have drainage holes, create some using a sharp knife. Just be sure to do this slowly and carefully.

Step 2. Plant The Seeds

Carefully spread 2-3 tablespoons of broccoli seeds across the surface of the coco coir.

Given the small size of broccoli seeds, it's easy to sow them in excess, which can lead to overcrowding.

Ensure they are distributed evenly for optimal growth.

Step 3. Water And Cover

Moisten the newly-sown seeds once more, but refrain from covering them with soil. Instead, place another tray or similar cover on top to block light and apply slight pressure.

This weight encourages the roots to grow deeper into the medium, leading to straighter, taller microgreens.

Maintain a moderate, steady temperature between 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit for your microgreens.

Humidity and darkness are crucial for this stage of germination. Mist your seeds approximately every 10-12 hours.

Step. 4 Uncover And Give Light

After about three days, the broccoli seeds should have developed shoots. These may appear yellow due to lack of light, but this is entirely normal and not a cause for concern.

At this stage, expose your broccoli microgreens to at least 12 hours of light daily. To water your plants without splashing soil or promoting mold growth, use the tray without holes.

Simply fill it with water and place your growing tray into it, allowing the water to reach the roots through the drainage holes. Be careful not to overfill it.

Troubleshooting Common Broccoli Microgreens Growing Challenges

Despite best efforts, you may encounter some challenges when growing broccoli microgreens.

However, most issues are easily rectified once you identify the problem.

Here are a few common obstacles and their solutions:

Poor Germination:

If your broccoli seeds aren't sprouting as expected, they may not have received enough water or are exposed to unsuitable temperatures.

Broccoli seeds typically require a moist environment and a temperature range of 65-75 degrees Fahrenheit for successful germination.

Yellowing Shoots:

When shoots first appear, they might be yellow. This is perfectly normal as the shoots have been growing in darkness and have yet to produce chlorophyll.

Once exposed to light, they should turn green within a couple of days. If they remain yellow, consider if they're receiving adequate light.

Stunted Growth:

If your broccoli microgreens aren't growing as rapidly or as tall as they should, they may be overcrowded. Overcrowding can limit airflow and access to light, inhibiting growth.

Make sure to sow your seeds evenly, leaving enough space for each to grow.

Mold Growth:

A common issue when growing microgreens is mold. To prevent this, ensure that your microgreens are adequately ventilated and not overly watered.

If mold does appear, it is crucial to discard the affected microgreens and sterilize your equipment before starting a new crop.

Wilting Microgreens:

If your microgreens are wilting, they may be receiving too much or too little water. The soil should be kept consistently moist but not waterlogged.

Remember, growing microgreens is a learning process, and with time, you'll be able to navigate these challenges with ease.

Each crop provides a new opportunity to refine your technique and produce a bountiful harvest of nutrient-rich broccoli microgreens.

How To Harvest Broccoli Microgreens

Broccoli microgreens, like most microgreens, typically reach harvest readiness around the 10-day mark, with some varieties maturing even earlier, at 7 days.

Specifically, broccoli microgreens are optimally harvested when the shoots reach a height of approximately three inches.

To ensure a crisp, fresh harvest, it's advisable to relocate your growing trays to a cool, shaded area. If the microgreens are harvested during peak heat, they can wilt rapidly post-harvest. Conversely, harvesting during cooler times of the day (early morning or late evening) helps to maintain their freshness and crispness.

Using a pair of scissors or a sharp knife, cut the microgreens about an inch above the coco coir. And just like that, you've successfully grown and harvested broccoli microgreens.

Cleaning and Storing Broccoli Microgreens

Once you've harvested your microgreens, rinse them thoroughly under cold water, preferably using a colander. To dry them, spread the microgreens out over paper towels, allowing them to air dry. For a faster drying method, you could use a fan on a slow setting.

Freshly cut microgreens are best consumed immediately after drying, but they can be stored for several days. However, it's important to only store completely dry microgreens, as damp microgreens can lead to spoilage.

When it comes to storing your freshly harvested broccoli microgreens, simply place them loosely in a bowl or a container and store in the refrigerator.

Incorporating Broccoli Microgreens Into Your Diet

Broccoli microgreens are incredibly versatile, enhancing the flavor and nutritional profile of various dishes.

They can be added to salads, soups, and sandwiches, or even used in baked goods. If you're into juicing, consider blending them into wheatgrass shots or smoothies for an extra nutrient boost.

Having just explored the fascinating world of growing broccoli microgreens, you might be wondering, 'What more can I learn and grow in the world of microgreens?'

Our Mastering Microgreens: Grow Nutrient-Dense Greens at Home eBook is just what you need to dive into this green world.

This comprehensive guide is filled with tips to help beginners start and garden enthusiasts to level up their microgreen growing skills.

From understanding different varieties, navigating common growing issues, to innovative ways of incorporating these nutrient-dense greens into your meals, this guide covers it all.

Transform your home into a mini greens farm and explore the joy of growing your own food.

Are you ready to embrace the world of microgreens?

Get the Mastering Microgreens eBook

5 Broccoli Microgreens Recipe Ideas

Broccoli microgreens are not only nutritious, but their mild yet distinctive flavor makes them an exciting ingredient to use in a variety of dishes.

Here are some creative and tasty ways to incorporate them into your meals:

Broccoli Microgreen Smoothie: Start your day off with a nutrient-packed smoothie. Blend together a handful of broccoli microgreens, a banana, a cup of fresh spinach, a slice of pineapple, a teaspoon of chia seeds, and a cup of almond milk. The microgreens add a punch of nutrients without overwhelming the other flavors.

Microgreen Omelet: Add a gourmet twist to your morning omelet by tossing in a handful of broccoli microgreens just as the eggs are about to set. This will give your omelet a fresh, earthy flavor and a vibrant color contrast.

Broccoli Microgreen Pesto: Put a spin on the traditional pesto recipe by using broccoli microgreens in place of basil. Blend together broccoli microgreens, garlic, pine nuts, parmesan cheese, olive oil, and a squeeze of lemon for a unique pesto sauce that goes well with pasta, sandwiches, or as a pizza topping.

Quinoa and Microgreen Salad: For a refreshing and filling salad, mix cooked quinoa with cherry tomatoes, cucumber, red onion, feta cheese, and a generous handful of broccoli microgreens. Drizzle with a simple lemon vinaigrette for a bright and zesty finish.

Microgreen Topped Soup: Sprinkle a handful of broccoli microgreens on top of your favorite soup. This adds not only a visual appeal but also a slight crunch and an extra burst of flavor.

Remember, broccoli microgreens are quite delicate, so it's best to add them at the end of the cooking process or use them raw to maintain their flavor and nutritional value. Experiment and have fun incorporating these microgreens into your favorite recipes!

5 Health Benefits of Broccoli Microgreens

1. Anti-Cancer Properties

Sulforaphane, a dietary component of broccoli/broccoli sprouts, was found in one study (1) to stop the tumor growths of breast cancer. These findings support the use of sulforaphane for the chemoprevention of breast cancer stem cells.

The consumption of Brassica greens has also been associated with a reduced risk of the development of colorectal, stomach, pancreatic, lung, breast, and ovarian cancer(2).

Eating just 3-5 servings a week reduces cancer risk by 30-40%, according to studies.

2. Supports Cardiovascular Health

One of the major causes of cardiac diseases is oxidative stress. Studies suggest that sulforaphane contains anti-inflammatory properties that activate a protein known as Nrf2 which serves as a defense mechanism against oxidative stress(3).

3. Anti-Diabetic Properties

Sulforaphane was also found in one study(4) to reduce blood glucose levels in patients with type 2 diabetes. Sulforaphane was identified to suppress glucose production from hepatic cells and may reverse the disease.

4. Anti-Aging Properties

Sulforaphane activates heat-shock proteins in the body, which help slow aging and improve brain function. Studies from the National Academy for the Sciences show Sulforaphane protects cells from cellular damage which is most commonly found in UV light.

5. Boosts Brain Function

Sulforaphane is also really good for your brain and is considered a brain-boosting substance. Studies show that this compound reduced depressive symptoms and anxiety. (5)

Sulforaphane has also been shown to:

  • target cancer cells while protecting healthy cells

  • kill breast cancer cells, cervical cancer cells, liver cancer cells, prostate cancer cells, and colorectal cancer cells in clinical studies

  • prohibit the growth of cancer cells while encouraging the growth of healthy cells

Broccoli Microgreens Nutritional Content

The nutrition in broccoli microgreens is amazing just like any other microgreens and includes the following:

  • vitamins A, B, C, E, and K,

  • contains calcium, magnesium, and phosphorous,

  • and micro-elements iron, zinc, and copper.

Here are answers to some of the most common questions about growing broccoli microgreens:

How long does it take for broccoli microgreens to grow?

Typically, broccoli microgreens take around 10-14 days from seeding to harvest. However, growth rates can vary depending on the environmental conditions and care given.

How much light do broccoli microgreens need?

Broccoli microgreens need about 12-16 hours of light per day after they have germinated. During the initial germination period (the first few days), they should be kept in the dark.

What can I do if my microgreens are falling over or not growing straight?

Microgreens may not grow straight if they are not getting enough light or water, or if the seed density is too high. Make sure your setup provides adequate light, maintain consistent watering, and avoid overcrowding your seeds.

Final Thoughts on Growing Broccoli Microgreens

Growing broccoli microgreens at home can be an enriching and rewarding endeavor.

Not only do they provide fresh, nutritious greens at your fingertips, but they also offer a hands-on way to engage with the process of growing your own food.

Even if you don't have a lot of space or a green thumb, you can successfully cultivate these tiny but mighty greens.

So why wait?

Gather your materials and start your journey to indoor farming with broccoli microgreens.

If you're interested in learning more about microgreens check out our comprehensive Microgreen eBook.

This step-by-step eBook will teach you everything you need to know about growing microgreens, including which varieties are easiest to grow and how to care for them.