9 Gardening Tips Every Gardener Should Know

Updated: May 28, 2023

This post is all about gardening tips

Gardening sustainably is a great way to not only benefit yourself but also the environment around you. By living in harmony with nature, we can make a positive impact on our planet.

Do and Don'ts of Gardening


  • Do plan your garden before you start planting. This includes deciding on what you want to grow, where to plant, and how to care for your plants.

  • Do choose plants that are suitable for your climate and soil type. This will ensure that your plants grow well and require less maintenance.

  • Do water your plants regularly, but avoid overwatering them as this can lead to root rot.

  • Do fertilize your plants with organic fertilizers to provide them with nutrients they need to grow strong and healthy.

  • Do prune your plants to promote growth and maintain their shape.

  • Do use natural pest control methods such as companion planting or insect-repelling plants instead of harmful pesticides.


  • Don't plant invasive species or plants that are not suited for your climate. This can harm the ecosystem and other native plants.

  • Don't use synthetic fertilizers or pesticides as they can harm the environment and reduce the quality of the soil over time.

  • Don't plant too close together as this can lead to overcrowding and poor growth.

  • Don't neglect your plants. Regular care and maintenance are necessary to keep your garden healthy and thriving.

  • Don't forget to weed regularly to prevent weeds from competing with your plants for nutrients.

  • Don't plant too deep or too shallow. Be sure to follow planting instructions for each plant to ensure they have the best chance at survival.

Remember, gardening is a learning process, and mistakes can be made. Don't be discouraged if something doesn't work out the first time. Keep trying and experimenting to find what works best for your garden.

Here are some tips and ideas on how we can all work together to live more sustainably:

9 Gardening Tips

1. Collect Rain Water

Living sustainably means being mindful of our impact on the environment and finding ways to reduce it. One of the best ways to achieve this is by collecting rainwater. Not only is it free, but it also helps reduce your water usage, and has many uses beyond just watering your plants.

There are two main ways to collect rainwater: using a rain barrel or a pond/pool. Rain barrels are easy to set up and can be bought online or made at home. Just make sure to put a mesh screen on top to keep out debris and mosquitoes. If collecting rainwater is not allowed in your area, you can always build a pond or pool that can also be used for drinking or watering your garden.

The benefits of collecting rainwater are immense. It's free, essential for our survival, and provides an extra source of water during natural disasters or power outages. You can even drink the water in emergency situations with the help of a water filtration system like the LifeStraw. By using collected rainwater to water your garden, you can save money and become more self-sufficient, reducing your reliance on the store to feed you.

2. Make You're Own Compost

Composting is a fantastic way to live sustainably and grow your own food while reducing waste that would otherwise end up in landfills. Not only that, but studies have shown that plants grow more vigorously when grown in soil supplemented with compost.

So, instead of buying nutrients from the store, why not save some money and make your own compost? Here's how to get started:

First, I recommend using a compost bin with plenty of airflow. You can use the food scraps from your kitchen, as well as leaves and grass clippings for composting. Make sure to keep your compost moist, and if it starts to smell, add more browns and greens. It's also important to make sure your compost bin has good airflow and a barrier to prevent rodents from entering.

Fruits and veggie scraps are some of the best items to use for composting, and as they break down, they may emit a foul odor. When this happens, simply add more browns and greens. Once the volume becomes difficult to manage, begin a new pile and let the old pile finish breaking down completely before adding it to soil.

The benefits of composting are numerous. Composting enriches the soil with nutrients, which reduces the need for fertilizers and can even help remove carbon from the atmosphere. Composting also increases the soil's ability to retain moisture, thus helping to prevent erosion by reducing runoff. Additionally, composting helps to prevent and suppress plant diseases and pests.

By composting, you'll not only be reducing your carbon footprint, but you'll also be providing your plants with the essential nutrients they need to grow strong and healthy. So, start composting today and watch your garden flourish!

3. Use Peat Free Soil

Growing food sustainably is important, and one way to do so is by avoiding peat moss soil. Peat moss is naturally found in wetlands and plays a vital role in filtering water, which provides us with fresh water. By purchasing peat moss based soils, we are supporting the destruction of these natural water filtration systems.

Fortunately, there are peat-free alternatives that are just as effective. Coco coir with earthworm castings is an excellent alternative to peat moss soil. This growing medium is environmentally friendly, renewable, and can be used to grow almost any plant.

Choosing peat-free soil is a small but significant way we can reduce our impact on the environment. By doing so, we help preserve natural ecosystems and reduce our carbon footprint. So, next time you're purchasing soil, consider going peat-free!

4. Use Organic Fertilizers

When it comes to gardening, fertilizers are like a buffet for your plants. They give your plants the necessary nutrients to grow strong and healthy. However, not all fertilizers are created equal. Organic fertilizers, which are derived from natural sources like plant and animal materials, are a far better and more sustainable option for the environment than their synthetic counterparts.

First and foremost, organic fertilizers are better for the environment because they are derived from natural sources. They don't contain any harmful chemicals or toxins that can leach into the soil and waterways. This means that organic fertilizers won't contribute to pollution or harm the ecosystem.

Moreover, organic fertilizers help to improve soil health by promoting the growth of beneficial microorganisms. These microorganisms help to break down organic matter in the soil and release nutrients that are essential for plant growth. As a result, organic fertilizers not only feed your plants but also help to build and maintain healthy soil over time.

Another advantage of organic fertilizers is that they are often more cost-effective than synthetic fertilizers. While synthetic fertilizers may seem cheaper upfront, they can actually be more expensive in the long run. This is because synthetic fertilizers can deplete the soil of nutrients over time, requiring you to use more fertilizer to achieve the same results. Organic fertilizers, on the other hand, help to build soil health and fertility, reducing the need for additional fertilization in the future.

Finally, organic fertilizers are a more sustainable option for the environment because they support the natural nutrient cycles that occur in ecosystems. Instead of relying on synthetic inputs that require energy-intensive manufacturing processes, organic fertilizers work with nature to feed your plants and support healthy soil. By using organic fertilizers, you're not only helping your garden thrive, but also doing your part to support a more sustainable future for all.

5. Mulch Your Garden

Mulching is a gardening technique that involves covering the soil around your plants with a layer of organic material, such as leaves, straw, or grass clippings. There are many benefits to mulching your garden, both for your plants and for the environment.

First and foremost, mulching helps to retain moisture in the soil, which is especially important during hot and dry periods. The organic material in the mulch absorbs water and helps to prevent evaporation, meaning that you won't have to water your plants as frequently. This not only saves you time and effort, but also conserves water, which is a precious resource.

Another benefit of mulching is that it helps to regulate soil temperature. The organic material in the mulch acts as an insulator, keeping the soil cooler in hot weather and warmer in cold weather. This can help to protect your plants from extreme temperatures and fluctuations, which can be harmful to their growth.

Mulching also helps to suppress weeds, by blocking out the sunlight that weeds need to grow. This means that you won't have to spend as much time weeding your garden, which is a great time saver.

Finally, mulching is a sustainable gardening practice, as it helps to promote healthy soil and reduce waste. The organic material in the mulch breaks down over time, releasing nutrients back into the soil and improving its structure. This means that you won't have to use as much synthetic fertilizer or other chemicals to keep your plants healthy.

So, if you want to conserve water, save time, improve soil health, and reduce waste, mulching is the way to go! It's a simple, yet effective gardening technique that can make a big difference in your garden and in the environment.

6. Companion Planting

Companion planting is a sustainable and eco-friendly way to garden that involves planting certain plants together because they benefit each other in some way. It's like creating a team of superheroes where each member has their own unique powers that complement and enhance each other's abilities.

For example, planting basil with tomatoes not only makes for a delicious combination in the kitchen, but basil also repels harmful insects that like to snack on tomatoes. Similarly, planting marigolds with vegetables can help to deter pests and attract beneficial insects like ladybugs, which love to feast on aphids.

Companion planting is beneficial in a number of ways. First, it can help to improve soil health by increasing the biodiversity of the soil. Certain plants, like legumes, have the ability to fix nitrogen in the soil, which other plants can then use to grow strong and healthy.

Second, companion planting can help to naturally control pests and diseases. By planting certain plants together, you can create an environment that is less hospitable to pests and diseases, reducing the need for harmful chemical pesticides.

Third, companion planting can increase yields by improving pollination and overall plant health. By planting certain plants together, you can create an environment that is more attractive to pollinators like bees and butterflies, which are essential for many plants to produce fruit.

Overall, companion planting is a sustainable and eco-friendly way to garden that benefits both the environment and your garden. So, why not create your own team of superhero plants and watch your garden thrive!

7. Use Crushed Eggshells For Pest Control

Do you love eggs? Don't throw away those eggshells just yet! They can be used for more than just composting. Did you know that eggshells can help with pest control in your garden? Yes, you read that right!

Pests such as slugs, snails, and even caterpillars can wreak havoc on your garden. But fear not, because eggshells can help keep them away. Crushed eggshells scattered around your plants can act as a natural deterrent, helping to keep those pesky critters at bay.

The jagged edges of the eggshells can be sharp and uncomfortable for slugs and snails to crawl over, so they will avoid them. In addition, the calcium carbonate found in eggshells can help prevent blossom end rot in plants such as tomatoes and peppers.

Using eggshells for pest control is not only effective, but also sustainable. Instead of using harmful pesticides, you can use a natural and readily available solution. Plus, it's a great way to reduce waste by repurposing something that would otherwise be thrown away.

So, the next time you crack open an egg, save those shells and put them to work in your garden. Your plants will thank you for it!

8. Grow Your Own Food

Growing your own food is a great way to become more self-sustainable. Although it may require a bit of learning at first, the long-term benefits are well worth it.

One of the biggest advantages of growing your own food is the freedom and independence it gives you. No longer will you rely on a grocery store to feed you. Why spend money on food when you can create your own food-producing system at home?

Thanks to advancing technology, growing your own food at home has become so much easier. You can choose to grow your food the traditional way with pots and soil, or you can opt for hydroponics. Hydroponics involves using water instead of soil to grow plants, and you can even use rainwater for your hydroponic systems.

There are many options when it comes to hydroponics, such as hydroponic tower gardens, pots, and pipes. Tower gardens are especially popular because they are easy to set up and can grow a large number of plants at once, including fruits, herbs, and vegetables.

However, in my opinion, the best way to maximize your yields and save money is to have both an outdoor and an indoor food garden. By growing some food outside with soil and some inside hydroponically, you can ensure a diverse and plentiful harvest.

If you decide to go this route, you'll need an indoor grow light to feed the plants indoors since sunlight won't be available. Fortunately, LED grow lights are a recent technology that can greatly benefit us when it comes to growing food indoors. Most hydroponic systems like the tower garden already come with LED grow lights, making the setup process even easier.

9. Use Solar Energy

Harnessing the power of the sun is one of the most efficient ways to generate free energy to power your gardens. Although it requires an upfront investment, it is worth it in the long run.

By using the sun's energy, you can be independent of the traditional power grid, which is prone to power outages and shortages. With your own power source, you won't have to worry about losing power during a blackout.

In addition to powering your indoor garden, solar panels can also power your home and electric car. It's a cost-effective way to become more self-sustainable and less reliant on the fragile power grid.

Solar panels will last on average over 20 years, making them a worthwhile investment. The freedom and control it provides over your own energy are invaluable.

Imagine life without electricity to power our everyday electronics. It's a necessity that we rely on, and having our own home energy systems can make it free.

By taking responsibility and establishing our own power grids, we can ensure a reliable source of energy for our homes and gardens. Solar panels are a life-saving investment that can help us take back our power and control over the necessities we need in life.

So, why not invest in solar panels and become more self-sustainable? It's time to take control of our energy, water, and food without having to pay for them.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some common mistakes people make when they plan a garden?

Planning a garden can be exciting, but it's important to avoid common mistakes that can lead to disappointment and frustration later on. Here are some of the most common mistakes people make when planning a garden:

  1. Not considering the location: One of the biggest mistakes people make when planning a garden is not considering the location. It's important to choose a location that gets enough sunlight and has good soil drainage. If the location is shady or has poor drainage, it may not be suitable for growing certain types of plants.

  2. Overcrowding: Another common mistake people make is overcrowding their garden. It's important to give each plant enough space to grow and mature. Overcrowding can lead to competition for nutrients, water, and sunlight, which can stunt the growth of your plants.

  3. Ignoring the soil: The soil is the foundation of your garden, and it's important to pay attention to its quality. Testing the soil can help you determine what amendments it may need to be more fertile. It's also important to make sure the soil is loose enough for roots to grow, and that it drains well.

  4. Planting at the wrong time: Planting at the wrong time is another common mistake people make when planning a garden. It's important to know when to plant each type of plant, as planting too early or too late can affect growth and yield.

  5. Not considering the maintenance: Many people underestimate the amount of maintenance that a garden requires. It's important to consider how much time and effort you're willing to put into maintaining your garden before you start planting.

  6. Failing to plan for pests and diseases: Pests and diseases can quickly ruin a garden if not properly managed. It's important to plan ahead for pest and disease control, and to choose plants that are resistant to common pests and diseases.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can set yourself up for a successful and thriving garden.

What should you not plant in your garden?

There are a few plants that you might want to avoid planting in your garden, depending on your specific location and gardening goals. Here are a few examples:

  1. Invasive species: Some plants are invasive and can take over your garden, causing harm to the local ecosystem. Examples include kudzu, Japanese honeysuckle, and bamboo.

  2. Plants that require a lot of space: Some plants, such as pumpkins and watermelons, require a lot of space to grow properly. If you don't have enough room in your garden, these plants can easily take over and crowd out other plants.

  3. Plants that require special care: Some plants, such as orchids and exotic tropical plants, require specific conditions to grow properly. If you don't have the time, resources, or expertise to care for these plants, they may not be a good choice for your garden.

  4. Plants that are not suited to your climate: Some plants simply won't grow well in certain climates. For example, citrus trees require warm temperatures and may not thrive in colder climates.

  5. Poisonous plants: Some plants, such as poison ivy and poison oak, can cause skin irritation or even more serious health problems. It's best to avoid planting these types of plants in your garden.

By avoiding these plants and doing your research before you start planting, you can help ensure that your garden is healthy and productive.

What is the most important thing in gardening?

The most important thing in gardening is probably to have patience and persistence. Gardening can be a rewarding and fulfilling activity, but it requires a lot of time and effort. Plants take time to grow, and sometimes they don't grow as expected or encounter problems like pests, diseases, or weather conditions.

It's important to keep trying, experimenting, and learning from mistakes. Additionally, understanding the needs and characteristics of the plants you want to grow, as well as the soil and climate of your region, can help you make informed decisions and improve your chances of success. Finally, don't forget to enjoy the process and the beauty of nature around you.

What should I garden for beginners?

If you're new to gardening, it's important to start with plants that are easy to grow and don't require too much maintenance. Here are some great options for beginners:

  1. Herbs: Herbs like basil, mint, parsley, and chives are great for beginners because they grow quickly, require minimal care, and can be used in cooking.

  2. Tomatoes: Tomatoes are a staple in many gardens and are relatively easy to grow. They require full sun, regular watering, and support for their vines.

  3. Lettuce and salad greens: Lettuce and other leafy greens like spinach and kale are easy to grow and can be harvested continuously throughout the growing season.

  4. Radishes: Radishes are a root vegetable that grow quickly and are easy to care for. They are a great option for beginner gardeners who want to see results quickly.

  5. Peppers: Peppers come in a variety of sizes and heat levels and are a great addition to any garden. They require full sun and regular watering, but are relatively low-maintenance.

  6. Zucchini and other summer squash: Zucchini and other summer squash are easy to grow and produce a lot of fruit. They require full sun and regular watering, but don't require a lot of maintenance.

  7. Marigolds: Marigolds are a great option for beginner gardeners because they are easy to grow, require minimal care, and help to deter pests from other plants in the garden.

Remember, the most important thing when starting a garden is to have fun and not get discouraged if things don't go perfectly. Gardening is a learning process, and with practice and patience, you'll become a pro in no time!


These are just five examples of things you can start doing today to start gardening more sustainably. Doing these things will make you less dependent on others to provide you food, water, and electricity.

Doing these things will help you have more power and control over the necessities you need in order to live. I hope this has inspired you to start doing, to take action, because these are things that we can do as a collective to greatly benefit the human race. And ultimately in the long term, improve the living conditions for all.